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How to get people to RSVP

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I also only got about 1/3 RSVP !


Even the email did not work.


I just assumed no RSVP = No. Well, turned out it was not always the case even if it was in majority true !


Had I known, I would actually have mentioned it in my email, so that everybody is clear on this...

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I have a theory about rsvp's and why people don't respond.


The people that don't respond but SAY (either verbally or maybe through some other means) that they are coming will be the ones who don't come. lol I think that they don't send it back in writing so that it's less "formal" and when they don't end up going they get off on a technicality mentally or something. hahaha

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LOL!!! Billysbride, I totally agree!! I sent a reminder email out months ago reminding everyone to RSVP. I barely heard back from anyone, so whoever didn't RSVP I counted as a NO! lol. Sometimes I think they feel that if they don't formally RSVP then its less disappointing to us when they don't make it. People are funny.

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Seriously, if anyone comes up with a solution to the mystery of RSVP'ing please let me know! I sent out 106 invites (knowing only 30% actually come to a DW) and I have only had 8 RSVP's sent back (one including my 9 year old daughter!) but there are 25 people booked! Hmmmm....maybe I am not that great at math but to me it's just not adding up! Hahaha! Oh well...I am basing my OOT bags and gifts according to the last count on Sept 8th, which is the deadline to book and pay for the vacation in full...whoever books after that, gets nothing!


I find the problem is that people think that it's not like a traditional wedding and that they don't have to RSVP. I totally agree with Billysbride too! At the beginning I had TONS of people that were coming to the wedding....they gave me a "verbal" RSVP before the invites came out. Out of those people, one couple is actually booked to join us. Oh well, some people just don't get it! I've just decided not to sweat the small stuff anymore...no RSVP? No gifts for you! :)

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I had less than the average of 1/3 respond to the RSVP, I even put on the RSVP card, a "MAYBE" slot. I figured since the invitations were going out so far in advance maybe people still needed to time to figure it out, but at least I would know to follow up with them, not even that worked!!


Although once people booked, they either called me or emailed me, since they were excited about going.


Then I had a few people who actually did RSVP and then for one reason or the other decided they couldn't go. After that happened once, I took everyone off the "YES" list if they hadn't booked. That way I wouldn't be disappointed again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The whole RSVP thing is so frustrating! I didn't bother having a reply card for people to send out as I knew from previous weddings that I've gone to that barely anyone is nice enough to send them back! I asked people to email or call to RSVP instead. Even that didn't work that well, as I just found out TODAY that 2 people (who didn't rsvp and who I thought weren't coming) booked last week!

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  • 1 year later...

We tired three ways to get people to RSVP and most of them never ever did, and we made it clear if you weren't coming you still needed to RSVP.  It is very frustrating!

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