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Hartyt509's wedding review

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Ok here is my review for what it's worth - you might gather i'm not too happy lol censored.gif


Flights - 2 different carriers

Our first flights down to London were ok our bags were way over the limit and they let us through anyway just told us to be careful when we came back as we might get charged. Flight was only short but ok. The airport was a nightmare and it took us a while to get to the hotel for overnight but that was ok. While we were at the airport (and we got there at about 3pm) we thought we'd go and get the tickets for our flight the next day as we were told they would be there waiting for us. The desk was closed lol and were not so nicely told to get lost and come back in the morning lol


So next airline is Virgin! what a croc of shite!! lmao We get to the ticket desk and she tells me they don't have tickets! I said oh you better check again so she does and funny that she finds all the tickets. Others are getting offered upgrades except us because we are "late" bookers!! I mean WTF lol anyway we thought that's fine we're on the plane it'll be cool.


We get on only to find we have the last 4 seats on the aircraft if we'd been any further back we'd have been on the frigging tail itself and no-where to put our hand luggage! So I said to one of the stewardess can you help me please? I'm told no I can't leave the door! lol luckily DH finds a spot and moves some other people's stuff about and we get the case in. We start to get the meals served and I asked about the diabetic meal for my aunt and am told one wasn't ordered! lol so she gets mine and I get nothing"


When we landed the virgin rep couldn't find our names on the list and then said "oh you're a mexico one!" by this point I was tired, hungry and pissed off lol so did say yeah well did you think i'd go through you if I had no frigging choice love lol censored.gif


They take our suitcases off us and DH has to hand them up to the bloke on the van for onward transmission to the hotel. We think fine we're on our way lol


The way back was even worse - they'd checked everyone in except us and wouldn't put us on to our connecting flights because they weren't in their system! I mean what shit is that ffs! So after a fight with the girl she finally books us in and takes our cases to say "enjoy!" lol I nearly launched for her it was only DH that stopped me lol We asked her to contact the airline as we were going to be late or miss the flight as our main airline was running late. She basically said no so DH had a go at her and we got she'll try (ie meaning I'm not going to bother my arse) gets to the airport and they said they'd try and sort it but we were going to miss it! Great!!


So plane makes up some time but then the police get on and arrest the 2 in front of us - did I say we were right on the back again! lol we gets off gets our bags runs to check in and i pushed into upper class and begged them to help. Their version of help was to make me take stuff out of my case! so i'm carrying my wedding album and stuff and running round the airport to get through lol we managed to get on to the plane and then waited for DH and my aunt to catch up they made it with seconds to spare lol. We started to get the safety briefing and then they stopped us and threw us off because they had a puncture so we were delayed for 4 hours!!


Hotel - Almond Causarina


Place at first looked lovely and were asked to wait in the garden while they got us a drink and gave us our rooms. It was so nice to finally sit down but then after about 2 hours it got a bit tedious lol DH said right i'm going to find out what's going on as they have put everyone else in their rooms and not us lol He goes away is gone 5 mins comes back and is furious one of our cases is smashed to bits and i mean a solid case cracked and open right across the top - it hadn't been like that when he'd put it on the van so now he's really full of hell. Did they do anything ? Nope the said speak to the rep tomorrow and we'll put you in your room now.


We should have had an ocean view room and we did kind of - we could see all of the pool and trees and about one inch of the sea lol the others were in nice rooms but far away from us lol


The food was horrible mostly lol we had 3 restaurants we could chose from but we had to book them in advance and sometimes you couldn't get the half decent one and you ended up at the really crap one lol needless to say for 2 weeks i've eaten crap and chocolate lol I am really picky with food so asked the others what they thought and they all agreed so it really wasn't just me lol


The virgin rep Was totally and utterly useless! We went straight to see her on our first morning. We told her about the case and she told me to take it up with Johnston Tours. I told her she would be taking it up as we hadn't booked them they had! She agreed and said she'd come back to us about it. I asked about the wedding and she didn't know what the hell I was talking about! So I rang my TA and said you better sort this shit out now lol He said I'll ring you back and said go to the hotel itself they knew about it. They denied it at first but then caved in when they realised I wasn't moving from their desk lol


We still didn't hear anything about the wedding or the case and we kept missing her at the hotel (she was quick as lightening I tell ya!). When we did catch up with her she got me to complete a blank form then was pissed when I deleted the sentence that said i'd accept what they said lol Finally she said they weren't admitting they had damaged the case but that she believed us as did her manager. We went and got the case and showed her it lol she nearly died and agreed she'd keep it for us but that we would have to "sue" virgin for the money!! So they day she was supposed to meet us she called in mysteriously sick lol I got hold of the other rep and told her in no uncertain terms to sort it lol So completed another useless form and had to go and buy a bag for DH's clothes!


The wedding Co-ordinators We had 2 as the main one has an assistant and she was amazing lol We didn't like her at first because she was really rude (i've worked out most of those we met were lol) but after that she was really funny and so helpful. I was going to have my hair down but she said it was so windy that I should have it up and she was right lol There was a load of back and forward which kind of killed our first 4 days there but after that it wasn't too bad once we said we no we aren't playing to your tune you play to ours lol I would recommend Dawn and Carla to anyone but the hotel they could shove lol


The wedding arrangements We asked for a beach wedding I mean whats the point of getting married in the garden in Barbados!! I'm pleased I did but when I took a walk over before the wedding I nearly cried it was crap - really small hidden away so as not to spoil the holiday makers on the beach! and to walk over there was bloody interesting I nearly fell over at least twice lol I was joking saying to my friend god it feels like i'm running a marathon lol


The photographer was lovely but it was all really annoying we had to pay a fortune (which we hadn't budgeted for!) to get photographs. If I could have got away with it i'd have said stick them lol


We arranged our reception ourselves and said we'd go up to the other hotel on the shuttle as it had a better restaurant and we had to book that ourselves lol I tell you I'm still not sure what they co-ordinated really lol


We reminded them about the civil ceremony and were told that we didn't have one!! I mean WTF! They hadn't been told that and it was too late to book it and so we had to try and convince a minister that we weren't the devil incarnate lol I had to ask DH to let me do the talking or we'd have been screwed lol


The wedding The wedding went ok (apart from the sand trashed my shoes lol) It was a really nice service even though I was trying to hold it together and not start laughing hard as I got the giggles and DH was making me worse lol


We cut the cake for the pics and as DH was warning me not to shove it in his face so I did lmao the photographer took a great pic of me doing it to DH but missed the one of him shoving it up my nose lmao


After the pics we went to catch the shuttle bus and got to the restaurant had our meal which was nice but they had given us the wrong time for the shuttle back and therefore by 11pm that night we ended up getting a taxi - bit of a bummer but hey


The guests - most were lovely but my aunt I wanted to murder over and over again lol I have never met such a needy person in all my life


It sounds like we had a crap time and mostly it was crap but our wedding day was the best again apart from the aunt who said i looked like i'd been dragged through a hedge backwards on my wedding day!! lol

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harty - As usual I am sitting her dying with laughter, not at your unfortunate mishaps but your way with words! OMG. I am glad to hear that most of your problems were resolved in the end and that you had a great wedding despite so many problems. Wow--it was a whirlwind of issue after issue, but thankfully you do not take any prisoners so I am sure they marched to YOUR beat. Can't wait to view the photos!!

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