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Sarah & Jeff slideshow (trash the dress photos)

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Sara, these are awesome as well. I saw the postings on youtube and you look like you had a wonderful time. I hope my day is just as beautiful. So I have a quick question about The trash the Dress session. Is this a Cabo thing? I have never heard of it before this forum? Is it a good luck thing?

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
Add me to the list of people that can't view it. I'm going to have to wait until I get home... that is still 6+ hours away......... pure agony, I tell you.
I cant I have mac @ home too. Can it be downloaded to you tube?
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Originally Posted by olisa6 View Post
Sara, these are awesome as well. I saw the postings on youtube and you look like you had a wonderful time. I hope my day is just as beautiful. So I have a quick question about The trash the Dress session. Is this a Cabo thing? I have never heard of it before this forum? Is it a good luck thing?
Thanks! Nope, it's not a Cabo thing at all- in fact, this is one of only like 3 places in Cabo where you could even attempt such a thing as the surf is so rough there. There is a website that is all about "trashing the dress". It's here: Trash the Dress!
I think this is a newer thing that is increasing in popularity. My shoot was the first one that Juan had done, but I'm sure won't be his last. I don't know that it's necessarily a good luck thing, but one thought is that you're married, you never need your dress again, so why not trash it and get some great pics doing it? Alot of brides don't want to use their real dress so, so like me, get a second dress. Here's a link to Leigh Miller's website (another fave photog of mine) and some trash the dress work she's done: Leigh Miller Photography

Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
I cant I have mac @ home too. Can it be downloaded to you tube?
Once I get the DVD from Juan, I'll put it up on you-tube for those of you that can't see it here...It just might be a couple weeks before I get it from him...

Originally Posted by leigh miller View Post
great job juan! sarah you look like youre having a great time! congrats again :)
Thanks Leigh! It was really fun- now I know how your brides feel!

Originally Posted by cessyboston View Post
amazing.... breathtaking... sarah how did you guys get so comfortable for the camera i get so shy you guys look so relaxed ..... so special...thank you for sharing......
Well, you have to make yourself look comfortable! Actually, despite how fun it was, the water was COLD! Many times I had to clench my teeth to stop them from chattering! In some of the more "serious" poses that's exactly what I'm doing!lol
Jeff & I would remind eachother that we're having fun and that we're going to get awesome pics. We would tell eachother to relax and talk alot during the shoot- made it more relaxing. Juan gives amazing direction as well- whenever we had a wierd look on our face, or were doing something stupid he'd redirect. Also, it was kinda fun making out in the water in front of people, kinda brings out that little naughty streak in you- made it even more fun! lol

Originally Posted by host View Post
ok sarah...the shot of you guys in the water with the wter splashing around in b & w is awesome! and the shot where jeff is wiping some water or hair from your face was so tender...made me tear up.

juan, amazing job on your first trash the dress...
I LOVE that one too- that shot with the water splashing around is so cool- I can totally remember when that happened too because Juan said something about the awesome pic that was going to make! I love the pics right after where Jeff is wiping my face, where we both look serious and are facing the camera- I think the B&W one is another one of my faves...
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