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Wedding ring engravings

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Here's a few I found that I really like (sorry if I repeated any)...


The beginning of forever

Give me a thousand kisses (in hers) And then a thousand more (in his)

You wore me down

A perfect fit

Worth the wait

Until my forever ends...

One sunset at a time

Honey, I called dibs

Oh the places we'll go!

You are SO mine

You're mine sucker!

Olive Juice

Happy now? Good.

Not for pawning

All you need is love

This is my solemn vow

You jump, I jump

Maybe I'm amazed...

Love is friendship set on fire

I love you. . . more than ice cream!

To the wind that fills my sails...

Mine, Mine, all Mine!!!

I made a wish and you came true.

two wishes left

Loving you is the way I celebrate being alive

If found, keep man and return ring

Going Once, Going Twice, Sold!

You are my first home run

Say bye bye to freedom babe

Wow...we got married, man!

Love and cherish for eternity

Have you lost it yet?

You really are my angel

Uncountable Blessings


Good morning wonderful

The best things are free… this ring wasnâ€t – keep it on!

Love, Friendship & Happiness

You're the answer to my everything

When God made you He was thinking of me

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A co-workers wife had "Put This Back On!" engraved in his! LOL! They're just a funny couple like that...he loved it! :-)


I just did " I Love You" and our wedding date. I had a phrase all picked out, but it was too long and I couldn't figure out how to shorten it. Make sure you know how many letters you can use before you get your heart set on something. It's a bummer to be told "no" at the jewelry shop when you're all set on something that won't fit.

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I want to put "You're my rock"


The story behind this:

One evening my Dad and I were sitting in the art gallery my family owns waiting for customers (we do that every Fri. from 6-9pm). It was a rainy night, and not a single person had been in. Out of the blue, this lovely couple comes in and we end up talking to them for hours. The guy is a little older and French and she is Spanish. They both speak a ton of languages and are extremely cultured and well traveled - very interesting people. Well, the man asks me if I am in love - and I reply "yes" (At this time I was dating my ex-boyfriend of 3 1/2 years). He says, "Is he your rock?" and I say "I think so" and he replied "You will know it's real when he is your rock, and you are his." So later that night I go over to my ex-bf's apartment and I ask him if I am his rock and he says "No". "NO?!?", I say, and again he says "No". I told him the story and he said that was silly. Well needless to say we ended up breaking up. Fast forward a few years to me and Martin. I ask him the same question and without hesitation he says "Yes. I am your rock and you are mine.". I was so excited to hear this ~ I had found my rock! I told him the story and he loved it. The rest, as they say, is history... wink.gif

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Awwww! That's sweet! What a cute story and lovely quote!


If we had to pick something from our relationship...it would probably be a Napoleon Dynamite quote or something! Lol! We don't have a saying, or a song or anything like that. Sometimes I feel bad about it, like we're a sub-par couple or something. But mostly I think it's perfect...it's just us. Some people have songs...others have quotes from goofy movies! Lol!

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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
I want to put "You're my rock"

The story behind this:
One evening my Dad and I were sitting in the art gallery my family owns waiting for customers (we do that every Fri. from 6-9pm). It was a rainy night, and not a single person had been in. Out of the blue, this lovely couple comes in and we end up talking to them for hours. The guy is a little older and French and she is Spanish. They both speak a ton of languages and are extremely cultured and well traveled - very interesting people. Well, the man asks me if I am in love - and I reply "yes" (At this time I was dating my ex-boyfriend of 3 1/2 years). He says, "Is he your rock?" and I say "I think so" and he replied "You will know it's real when he is your rock, and you are his." So later that night I go over to my ex-bf's apartment and I ask him if I am his rock and he says "No". "NO?!?", I say, and again he says "No". I told him the story and he said that was silly. Well needless to say we ended up breaking up. Fast forward a few years to me and Martin. I ask him the same question and without hesitation he says "Yes. I am your rock and you are mine.". I was so excited to hear this ~ I had found my rock! I told him the story and he loved it. The rest, as they say, is history... wink.gif
You ladies seriously need to STOP MAKING ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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