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PV Wedding, Time of my Life

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I just had my wedding in PV on the 22nd and will post a review next week upon my arrival.


But just wanted to assure many brides, that the flu thing is something of the past. Service is great, weather is amazing and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding.


Guests stayed: Dreams

Ceremony: Dreams

Reception: Villa Medittereano

WC: The Dazzling Details (OMG they were amazing)

Caterer: Plush (Stewart Boca Bento) My friends are still raving about the food. Seriously the most amazign meal ever. All friends topped it as best food ever and not even for just a wedding. Holy cow the food was top notch. My guests thought we spend a fortune due to the gourment 5star quality.


Stay tuned.


Honeymooning now Husband (love saying that) is going to kill me for being on computer.

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