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Engaged and Confused


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Hi there! I'm new to the site, newly engaged and already confused about where we are going to get married. We want to have a non-traditional wedding in a cool place but where is the question. Looking for any suggestions.



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  • VIP Member

Welcome! It is quite confusing, seeing as though there are so many wonderful places where you could get married. There are some questions which could help narrow it down...

Where are all of your guests coming from?

Do you have a price range per guest that you'd like to stay in?

All-inlusive? Children? Swimable beach? wedding in jungle, beach, gazebo?

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Oh my goodness... choosing the location is the most difficult part, in my opinion. The good thing is that you've got the internet and this forum, and all the information at your fingertips... so lets start figuring this out! :)


First, what are your wedding priorities? When you get married, do you see yourself on a beach? in a garden? Inside? Outside? What do you see in your mind's eye?


Next, who do you see looking back at you when you're up at the "altar" with your FI? Are there kids? If so, adult only resorts are ruled out. Do you want to choose a less expensive location to have more people there, or would you prefer to splurge on the location?


Also, BUDGET!!! Are you considering all kinds of upgrades? Do you want an all-inclusive resort?


There are lots more questions that can help narrow things down... but lets start there!


Also, if you have any questions and you can't seem to find the answer on the forum... ask away, we always love a good challenge!!


Oh... and before I forget... Welcome to the forum!! welcome4.gif lol

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I like the idea of the beach. He is leaning towards something in Europe. We went to a wedding in Italy last year and it was pretty amazing.


We haven't set a date yet but it will probably be next summer. A lot depends on the destination though as we don't want to get thrown off by the weather.


All good questions. Which I had some answers. I think I need to give it a little more thought and get back to you on some of the questions.



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Welcome! You could always do a beach wedding in Italy. Like on the island of Capri or Sardinia. That would be ridiculously romantic. The summer is a nice time but always remember that most people are on holiday in Europe during the summer so that is something to keep in mind w/regards to caterers, vendors, etc. Once you give it some thought I'm sure we can help you come up with a great place.

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  • VIP Member

Don't forget to look at marriage requirements in each place. Technically you might have to get married here and do a "vow renewal" in Europe. I've heard in some places you have to live there for months in order to wed there.

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