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Originally Posted by kate.com View Post
Good idea about the shade box. You should post a pic on your blog when you do that so I can copy:)
hi kate,

i posted pics of my shade box...it has worked great. it has been super hot and sunny here and my lettuces, herbs had no problems...it was 102 on friday, 97 yesterday, 96 today.
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Tammy: Are you wonder woman in disguise?!.

I don't know how you do... everything that you do!


Anyways: I am giving the pics of your shadebox to my DH when he gets home from hunting birds in canada. He is going to build me one this winter. AND I want an elevated garden plot too. Demanding, I know. I'll help of coarse!

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  • 6 months later...

My gardening story: So I live in a town home, I do potted veggies and herbs. First experiment was last year with Porter Dark Cherrie tomatoes, cilantro, basil and oregano.


The Scoop from last year: My tomato initially did well and then out grew the pot, so lesson learned. My cilantro needs to be in a cooler spot cause it just bolted immediately. Basil and Oregano did perfect, my lesson learned is that I should have harvested it more, I threw away a lot and we ran out mid winter. I should have froze and dried more of it. LORD knows i had enough of it.


The Plan:

Plant tomato to bigger pot, prob a new breed/type of tomato. I would like to get some sort of long rectangular box planter or holder for individual herb pots. I think if I move the cilantro to the upper blacony with more shade and cooler it will do better. Probably try a pepper plant.


Unfort I cant start anything till after mothers day due to the INSANE colorado weather, and risk of snow and spring freezes.

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I decided this week to start growing some of my own food. I've grown a couple of things in the past, but my fiance and I are going to build some planters and really try to get stuff going. Our next door neighbor is a master gardener, and she has offered as a wedding present to help us!


Yesterday, I planted tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, and watermelon! I hope they all do well so I have yummy stuff to eat this summer!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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