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LF: 1-2" Palm Tree Cut Hole Punch

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I actually walked my post surgical behind into Michael's today because I didn't believe FH when he told me they only had the one kind that he brought home last night. True enough, all they had stocked was this teeny tiny one that barely punches out a half inch lil' palm. Thats what I get for doubting I guess.


So, does anyone have a bigger one I can buy? Just wondering since bride to bride might be a lil' faster than trying to hunt down a bigger one online and get it here. Hoping to have these things out early part of next week.

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I got that small one at Michael's as well and it is SMALL. Really only good for using as a border desin or something like that. I haven't seen any bigger ones, though, I am sorry to say.


How are doing - recovering after surgery? xoxo

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Well, at least I know now that Fate is not just conspiring against ME specifically. haha


I'm doin' pretty good, Tami..thanks for askin! FH is constantly lookin at me asking how I feel..methinks he is suprised to see me bouncing back so quick. But ...wedding stuff makes me feel good, what can I say? lol They should put this stuff in syringes and administer it in hospitals.

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Savannah I happened into Michaels a couple weeks ago and they had a large palm tree punch on clearance. It worked so awesome for my STD's and I wish I could sell it to you but I still need to use it. But I found it for you on this site:



That way you can stay in the house getting better while it comes in the mail!

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You girls are FABULOUS, ya hear me? FAB-U-LOUS!


The lovely MarieSam pm'd me saying she had an extra she's willing to part with, so I'm going to take her up on her offer. Thank you SO much...my lazy butt wasn't finding it in the couple of clicks I took perusing the net. You BDW girls are some resourceful divas!

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Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Griffith View Post
Savannah I happened into Michaels a couple weeks ago and they had a large palm tree punch on clearance. It worked so awesome for my STD's and I wish I could sell it to you but I still need to use it. But I found it for you on this site:

That way you can stay in the house getting better while it comes in the mail!
i am so going for it. THANKS!!
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