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"So You Think You Can Dance" Summer 2009


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Seriously, I thought that Mary was going to punch Mia and Lil C for what they were saying to Brandon...

I was surprised they kept kaitlyn and we were all right with which brother they kept. It should be an interesting season.

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Yael - Yeah, I'm not Kaitlyn's biggest fan so she had better bring it! :) Love Jeanette and Asuka though. I was so nervous when they waited til the last two girls to tell Asuka she made it!! Yeah wtf was up Mia's ass...again? I don't think Brandon's "cocky" or "arrogant" (however Mia put it). It's funny to me that they're trying to paint Brandon with the same brush they painted Danny (Season 3) with...that whole "cocky" schpiel and Danny made it to the top 4, so whatever Mia!

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I did think Danny was an ass last year. I didn't like him at all. He was a wonderful dancer, but he really needed to humble himself IMO. (Or at least what they edited him to look like!)


As for Mia to Brandon- totally uncalled for. She made it VERY personal. She could have just said "You aren't my personal favorite so at this time, I'd pass." But NOOOO she goes into some rant about his dancing being annoying and pissing her off. And then she calls him cocky. I was blown away. It was like dude, you don't have to be a bitch. You CAN hold back some personal opinion. Geez....


I'm glad Mary stepped in. That was very classy of her. I was also impressed how Brandon took all those harsh words.


Now on to the rest- I have NO idea how you girls were able to identify any of the dancers. I can remember like 5 people! I really hate how they edited it this season. They gave a lot of early screen time to people that they ended up cutting early and left the people going into top 20 relatively anonymous. That kinda sucks!

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She called Brandon cocky because he held his cool and kept smiling. What did she want him to do? Break down in tears or start getting mad and yelling at him? He was totally professional and that made her even more mad. I wonder if that was a bit staged?


I agree about giving so much time to people that got cut. I liked some of them more, and then I was upset when they got cut, and now I was looking at some of the people who are in the top 20 like "who are you?".

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I just finished watching it.


I agree about the whole Mia/Brandon thing. WTF is up her ass? I understand being constructive in criticism, but she was just a straight up b*tch. What did he do, kick her puppy? I am glad Mary basically told her to STFU.


Mia was funny when talking about that one chick and her unitard. Everytime I see that girl I'm think "WTH. Who wears unitards anymore?!"


It was heartbreaking that Alex couldn't be let out of his contract. I hope he comes back next season. I cried.


It was also hearbreaking when it came down to the two brothers. I cried again. Brian called me a pussy.

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I got teary for the brother situation too Jessica. I understood why it would necessarily be a good idea to have two people who have the same style on one show. It made me feel better to think the (bald) brother will be on the fall's show.

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The editing for preliminaries was so brutal this year, I feel like I hardly know the top 20 too, maybe they do that so it's not as obvious who they are before they annouce it...I dunno.


Re: Alex...omg I was so pissed about this, he is an exquisite dancer. I hope he can finish up his contract and try out again in the fall, I loved him! My heart broke for him!


Re: Unitard chick, wtf is up with that? lol From now on, I shall dub her "Unitard" and that shall be her name haha. :)


Re: Evan and his brother (whose name always escapes me). That was sad, they almost had ME in tears with them...such love between siblings is so beautiful. DH was pissed! He was all like "that's bullshit!" lol, I just told him that I totally called that. I really do hope the brother comes back too, he's NOT "too old, fat, or bald for the show"...poor guy...and I'm so glad that Nigel reassured him that he isn't.

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"Unitard" lol that's too funny!!!


I watched the show last fri morning (out thursday night) and was upset that I couldn't read this thread. I saw that you guys were posting but I didn't want to read anything to ruin it. I had sooooooooo many comments, but can't think of them right now, so i'm not going to bother to comment.


All I know is that I'm very anxious for this week to start. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!

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OMG, did anyone watch tonight?!? What an AWESOME first week of performances! Honestly, I am so nervous for tomorrow night's cut as I don't really have a clue who's going to go...everyone was amazing, seriously!


A few routines that I especially loved tonight were:


Kayla & Max's samba...wow, that was hot hot hot!!!


Phillip & Jeannine's lyrical hip hop...was very reminiscent of Joshua and Katee's lyrical hip hop from last year which was also really fantastic. I loved this routine.


Randi (aka Unitard...didn't know she was married, interesting) & Evan's jazz was really good.


Jason & Kaitlyn's bollywood routine was really great, especially considering it is the first week, though I have to say there's something about Kaitlyn that irks me and I can't put my finger on it.


Brandon & Jeanette's foxtrot was so beautiful. I'm so glad Brandon is bringing it (like he promised...in your face, Mia!!!), they made it look so effortless!


Ashley & Kupono's jazz routine by Tyce was interesting...it was weird but interesting. I couldn't take my eyes off of them.


Ade & Melissa wow!! Firstly, I didn't even know Melissa is 29 cause she sure doesn't look it! I thought their routine was so beautiful, but to be expected since Mandy is a terrific choreographer...I love her!


People I'm worried for: Asuka (who I LOVE watching) & Vitolio, though I don't think it's their fault. I didn't care for the choreography at all. I also think Paris and Tony may be in danger...their hip hop was good but a little boring for me. I really hope people vote for Auska, she is too amazing to leave this soon. Personally, I can see Tony leaving soon, after all...he barely even squeaked in to the top 20 in the first place. He has a great personality but I think his technical skills aren't on par with the other dancers. They probably should have picked someone over him, sad to say.


I was lukewarm about Jonathon and Karla's chacha to "Poker Face", it felt like the music was too fast for the dance...even my DH commented on the odd pace of the dance with the music. The judges seemed to love it though.


So what does everyone else think?!? cheesy.gif

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