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*Shopping Alert* Old Navy Flip Flops $1/pair only on May 23rd

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All the $1 women's flip-flops were sold out four hours before we went in late afternoon. Oh well... my fiance said that it is probably not necessary to get the flip-flops since guests know it is a beach wedding and either would bring their own or go barefoot. He is probably right.

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I went this morning too but I decided against buying them for everyone coming to my wedding. I just bought for me and my wedding party. I bought 20 pairs all at once they said there was limit of 8 but once I got to the till they said nonthing I got tons of colors!

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I went 15 mins before the store opened. There was a line up I bet I was around the 100th person in the line. I had heard that that particular store was going to have 5,000 available. We had a 5 pair limit. So bought myself 5 pairs, FI also bought 3 pairs for himself and 2 for my son's girl friend. It was nuts lol, but fun at the sametime lol

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I went to two Old Navy stores in the Los Angeles area and the first one the clerk said people were lined up over an hour before the store opened,I arrived at the store about 45 mins after they opened and there were no dollar flip flops left. It took me 30 mins to get to the next one and they were also sold out. No dollar flip flops for me! I had already bought flip flops for the girls, I just needed some basic brown and black ones for the guys. I will order them on line. I have had enough of old navy to last me for awhile!! The stores were a freakin madhouse!

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