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Stay away little girl!

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Every single time we go grocery shopping this chick that Robin new back in high school is working. She always goes outta her way to wave at him from her till and its actually pretty amusing. Robin gets all emberassed cause I do the, "Ooooooh, your girlfriends working!!!!" to him smile120.gif Well today she is working again and Im trying to load everything on the belt and watch Rayden and Robin goes to grab some boxes (they dont give bags at this store) and shes totally checking him out the whole time! Im like, wtf?? Im standing right here with his son and you are checking him out!? smile41.gif I told him and he says, "Ooooooh, Mommys jealous!"

OK no Im not jealous of a 20 year old girl checking out my FI, but COME ON!! Have some respect little one!! rant.gif

OK sorry that was my rant for the day!!popcorn.gif

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lol, Laura, I know what you mean, that happens a lot with Erik. He loves it.

At one point we were walking out of the market when this girl actually ran up to him and gave him her number (she was like 17) or so...I got so pissed. Erik just laughed it off.

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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
In our neighborhood, straight couples are the minority. When we go out Brett always gets hit on by dudes. What can I say, he's hot!
haha he must be if the gay guys are hitting on him! They have good taste!! When we lived in Ottawa we went to this gay bar with friends and Robin went up to the bar to get a beer and this HUUUGE guy slapped his ass and said, "Hey hot stuff" hahahaha god this still makes me laugh!smile120.gif
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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
In our neighborhood, straight couples are the minority. When we go out Brett always gets hit on by dudes. What can I say, he's hot!

Haha! That's happened to Hans too!

Laura- I know what you mean, I would say something. I've said something to a couple of girls who have flirted with Hans IN MY FACE. This girl sat next to me once and reached over, touched his face and said how cute his mole was. I took her hand off his face and said I know, thats why its mine!

I swear some girls don't give a F***!
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If you really feel like addressing the issue, next time you catch her checking him out, just kind of lean over and say in a loud whisper (as in, loud enough that other people could kind of hear), "I really hate to see you humiliated in front of everyone, but it's kind of embarassing that you continue to flirt and check out a man whose about to be married to the mother of his child."....

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Originally Posted by RaydensMama View Post
haha he must be if the gay guys are hitting on him! They have good taste!! When we lived in Ottawa we went to this gay bar with friends and Robin went up to the bar to get a beer and this HUUUGE guy slapped his ass and said, "Hey hot stuff" hahahaha god this still makes me laugh!smile120.gif
Hahaha that's awesome!! lol

As for the chick at the grocery store. Isn't there some satisfaction in the fact that she is there serving you (the customer always gets their way!), and YOU'RE going home with him, not her?! It's just sad that she's flirting with a man who already has a child and a (soon to be) wife!
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OMG you just reminded me of a skit that Martin Lawrence does in one of his stand up routines. Basically he talks about how jealous woman are and how they overreact to everything. So in this skit he talks about a couple who go out to dinner and once they are inside the restaurant they go to check their coats. Well the boyfriend hands the coats to the coat check girl and gives her $5. The coat check girl smiles at the boyfriend and says "Thank you". The boyfriend says "Your welcome" and turns around to face his girlfriend. So the girlfriend is pissed and goes "Why was that b@tch smiling at you?" And the boyfriend says "What are you talking about honey? She just said thank you b/c I gave her a tip"


So the girlfriend goes "Oh yeah? Well I'm about to give that b@tch a tip of my own".


So the girlfriend turns around to the coat check girl and goes "What the hell is wrong with you smiling at my man like that?" And the coat check girl goes "I'm sorry ma'am I was just smiling and saying thank you b/c your boyfriend gave me a generous tip." So the girlfriend looks at the girl and says:



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