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My planning thread!! yipee

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He loved it. He was totally surprised. I gave it to him the first day of our honeymoon and he was like a kid on Christmas morning. It was really great watching him open it in the pricacy of our hotel room. I took pics but they are not on this computer.


Got the honeymoon off to a good start. :)

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Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
and OMG, what luck that the table number you chose to show was 4 ... as soon as i saw the pic, i realized it: i spelled cuatro w/a "Q" on mine, which means it's wrong on all of table 4's escort cards as well ... aaaahhh! and i should know better, as i took a few years of spanish in high school. wtf? have to blame that one on wedding-brain too! thanks so much for posting ... now i don't have to have a 6 year old call me on it at the wedding, lol!
remember when i posted this? i have to thank you AGAIN, because of the five table numbers the photographer could have taken a pic of ... you guessed it! they photographed table #4!!! i would have been SO embarassed! LOL!
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