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Big Brother 11


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Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 View Post
There are actually. I am a Big Jeff & Jordan fan, but when they had the power for those 3 weeks basically (Michelle's HOH & Jordan & Jeff's HOH) Jeff & Jordan became really arogant and they were on such a power trip. He would be nice to Michelle's face and then when it was him & Jordan he would go off about how much he hates Michelle and being really mean about her. It got to a point where I almost liked him better when he wasn't in power. Jordan was also being really cocky too.
Also...I think on the show they showed how Nat & Kevin came up with that lie about Russ and Michelle? Well they called it LML (Last MInute Lie) & what you didn't see was after Kevin started the lie, and told Jeff, Jeff and Jordan confront Michelle and because Michelle has this "Memory" problem, She ADMITTED IT!! She was like, we yea we were in there talking about Final 2 and Blah Blah. It was a total lie that Michelle could have fought but she basically helped them out by admitting to a Lie that never happened (They edited it in a way to make it look like her and Russ were talking, but believe me when I say, it didn't happen that way)
Michelle also threw Russ under the bus. She had a BIG hand in Jeff losing all trust in him. If she would have kept her convos with Russ to herself, the final four may have still been in tact, but everytime Russ confided in her about how after the final 4, they would work together for final 2 and he would tell her how Jeff is a strong player & yadda yadda, she would run to Jeff & Jordan and tell them all of that, but change it in a way that made it sound like Russ was shit talking, when he really wasn't. This was the week that Jordan was HOH and Russ stayed safe. Jordan & Jeff told Michelle they were going to confront russ with everything she was telling them and she had no choice but to let them. This was the backyard scene they showed on the show when Jeff was HOH. But really this happened when Jordan was HOH.
Then when Jeff got HOH Michelle finally got smart and start keeping the convos between her & Russ to herself, but by then it was too late. Between the LML and her stupid ass running her mouth, Russ was a goner :-(

There is so much more, but I can't think right now. I had the live feeds and I did watch them, but for the most part I go to this website and read all the live updates from other people. They watch the feeds CONSTANTLY and transcribe everything that is going on. So between that, my feeds and the discussion board on BB, I am informed...LOL
If I think of other stuff I will let you know!!

No Problem! I love it! And thanks for the Kitty Compliments! I miss them terribly, but it feels good to know that I saved their lives and found them great homes! :)

Now back to BB! LOL I wish that the Kevin we saw in the DR was the real Kevin. But I have to say, he really seems like he will be taking Jordan to the end if he wins and she is saying she wants to take him (of course they are both telling natalie they are taking her, but you can kind of tell that they aren;t)
My opinion is, they don't want to take Natalie because they think that she has friends in the Jury....However, now that the Jury has kind of turned on Nat, Jordan's best bet may be to take Nat, Of course she has no idea the jury turned on Nat, so I doubt that will happen.
As for Kevin, I think he has a better chance of winning against Jordan.

I enjoyed seeing the old players last night! I also got to explain to my husband all about Danielle's season and how she is the reason that they created the Jury house for every season after her's. She is the best BB player that never won sad.gif
Janelle has always been one of my fav's and when they showed her Veto win, when she was hugging Howie and said "Bye Bye Bitchez!" I was lovin it. Def the best moment of her season!!

All in all it's been a good season for me, and I loved the drama!!
After the Finale, Evil Dick will be doing Backyard interviews, so I will share some of those with you and Also, every year, someone from that website I go to, goes to the Wrap party and they write a whole blog about it. And also every year at the wrap party they show a Gag reel where they basically make funn of every house guest and it's awesome. Every year someone tapes it, so I will also post the you tube link to that after the Wrap party this year! Good stuff!! :-)
The Wrap party will most likely be on Thursday night. I wish it was televised sad.gif
AWESOME!!! Thanks for all of the great gossip. I also love Janelle! I can't wait to hear about the wrap party. I hope Jordan can pull through with another win. She absolutely killed Nat in the mental/physical challenge. Natalie is all talk about how great she is- it's so funny!!!
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Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 View Post
I also got to explain to my husband all about Danielle's season and how she is the reason that they created the Jury house for every season after her's. She is the best BB player that never won sad.gif
Can you explain this to me as well? I didn't start watching BB until season 6 or 7.
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Originally Posted by Jessica View Post
Can you explain this to me as well? I didn't start watching BB until season 6 or 7.
Well In Danielle's season, Which was season 3 ....They didn;t have the jury house...All of the house guests who were evicted were sent home until finale night and then they came back to vote the winner in.
Well early on, like the first or second week...Danielle made a SUPER secret alliance with Jason. Jason was the nicest guy in the house...He was very religious and was never really anyone's target. No one suspected Danielle and Jason's alliance, they really played it well, they only really talked to each other during chess games or if no one was around. And they helped each other to the final 3.
Danielle would go into the diary room, where your suppose to let off steam and really just say your true feelings about the other houseguests, and man, she really let everyone have it. She trash talked almost everyone in her DR's, she called Roddy (another houseguest) the Devil All season long in her Diary Room sessions. She really was awful to them.
When everyone was evicted and sent home, of course they watched the shows and got the live feeds and saw all of this.
When finale night came, it was Danielle and someone else in the final 2 (It wasn't Jason, I believe he was evicted during final 3) and the Evicted house guests got to say a little speach before placing their votes for the winner and they all said that yeah she may have played a good game, but they were all so pissed about the way she trashed them, they didnt vote for her and she lost!!! I am telling you, she deserved to win, she played a great game, but her Diary room's killed her.
After that season, the show was afraid that everyone would be "fake" in their diary rooms ad they created the jury house, where the last 7 people evicted would be placed in sequester, away from TV's and the news & etc..until finale night so they can vote based on game play and what they thought of everyone's behavior in the house.

I have to also say that this was the season of house guest , Marcellous making one of the DUMBEST moves in BB history.
It was final four...jason, Danielle, Marcellous and someone else (I have to find out this person)
Marcellous and Danielle (I think) were on the block together and Marcellous won Veto (This was the first season the Veto was introduced) Marcellous decided that he had so much faith in jason that he would NOT use the veto.
Jason was the person who would be deciding who goes and he said to marcellous, "I'm really sorry, but you should have used the Veto" and he evicted him!! When Marcellous got out there to talk to Julie she bopped him over the head with her papers..LOL He was n shock! So funny!
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Thanks for so much for the explanation! Whoa! That is crazy about how everyone found out she was talking smack about them. I can definitely see why the jury house came to be.


And thanks for the explanation on Marcellous! I remember hearing references to him in the seasons I've seen and how he made the dumbest move in BB history. Now I know!!

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I lovee Chill Town!!!! I think they were the best team in BB history, and next in line was the Renegades, Dan and Memphis!!!! All though, I mus say Jeff has played a very very good game this year!! And Evel Dick, well no explaination needed.....anybody who plays the game to piss people off so that his daughter can win, and he actually wins, is a great player!!!


I'm excited to see the never before seen stuff tonight, all though you live feed gals will probably hvae already seen it sad.gif

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I lovee Chill Town!!!! I think they were the best team in BB history, and next in line was the Renegades, Dan and Memphis!!!! All though, I mus say Jeff has played a very very good game this year!! And Evel Dick, well no explaination needed.....anybody who plays the game to piss people off so that his daughter can win, and he actually wins, is a great player!!!


I'm excited to see the never before seen stuff tonight, all though you live feed gals will probably hvae already seen it sad.gif

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Ok, I need to know why everyone hated Michelle so much? I don't think she played the game as well as she could have, she made some moves that I didn't completely agree with... but she got called a lot of names by a lot of people! Was there anything on the live feeds we didn't see on TV?

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Michelle was just socially awkward.....She was, I guess the best word would be "weird"

However, Ronnie & Natalie hated her because she pretended to be with their alliance, but really she was always with Jordan & Jeff.

Ronnie just thought she was an easy target and he really just was nasty to her and tried to pin everything on her.


She never did anything so "horrible" that everyone should hate her, but she did play the game. So of course she stepped on toes and they happen to belong to the feet of some BITTER people..LOL :-)

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