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Big Brother 11


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BBAD was so good the other night!..LOL I read the whole thing and couldn't wait to get home and watch it! LOL

There was another fight a few min ago..Again with Russell Michelle and Chima, then Michelle & Nat & Jessie...Now Nat & Jessie are trying to convince Kevin to Vote out Lydia so Ronnie can stay!!! I doubt it will happen. the only way he stays this week is if, #1 he gets the mystery power or #2..Michelle decides to Vote for him

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Seems like everyone is on the same page here! Yes, Jeff is HOT!! Where do you read BB after dark? CBS.com? It seems like we miss out on so much just watching the episodes on tv. I'd like to commend CBS for finally getting some interesting people in the house- annoying, yes, but at least its not just a bunch of hot, dumb airheads like they've had had in the past few seasons.

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I just read Russell's HOH blog/letter and now I think he's clueless! He gives praise to Jessie and Natalie, good people, trustworthy, etc. He has no clue they wanted to backdoor him only a week ago and probably still do! He also seems to believe all lies J & N have told him about Michelle which they purposely did to stir things up. He also says some nasty shiz about Chima. I think their staged fight turned personal.


Mel, there are a bunch of spoiler websites out there that give daily recaps. If you just watch the episodes you for sure miss a ton of stuff that never airs.

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Yeah i think the fight between Russ and Chima definately was real, maybe it started off as fake but def ended up real. I was like Russ at the beginning of his HOH reign but now i just feel like smacking some sense into him. I cant believe he fell for J & N's BS. I'm so annoyed at Russ for throwing Michelle under the bus several times. I felt really bad for Michelle last night when she was crying, i think Russ really hurt her feelings.


I thought Jesse's convo with Jeff last night on BBAD when he was trying to get Jeff to vote to keep Ronnie was pretty funny. Jesse thinks he's so smart but was making the most stupid points and Jeff totally wasnt buying it. Like Jesse said i was hoh twice and didnt put you up, i had to laugh when jeff was like "cause you couldnt." duh Jesse you dummie Jeff was an athlete and therefore safe.

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Some of you may already have read this one...


They called in the audience for tonight's live show 3 hours early. The show will be taped and then aired at its regular time. So we aren't getting a live show this week. The rumor is they are afraid of the HG's reaction to the wizard power and how it will all go down tonight!


I'm wondering if Jeff does use his power to overthrow Chima, does that make him the new HOH and unable to vote? Should be a great episode tonight!!

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No way! I didnt know that Andrea! Thats crazy!


I totally think Jeff will use the power. I just dont know on who! But I think he is smart and I think this is his one chance to get someone out. Unless he just thinks that getting Russel out is the best, then he wouldnt need to use it.. AH! I dont know!

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Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
It's going to be so crazy! Plus, I wonder who is considered the official HOH and if Chima or Jeff will be able to compete in the HOH competition tonight? The house is going to be on fire after this one!
I would think that Chima would still be considered the HOH...she cannot be a replacement nominee, so I would think that her HOH status is still intact. But that's JMO...& what do I know! LOL
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