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So I get both sides of this argument too. While Carlos probably had a "act of God" stipulation in his contract (at least I would assume so) it probably would have made more sense to at least try to negotiate since you were being fair and only asking for half. Instead he kept the money and got his name spread on a DW planning site in a negative way. Either way he loses I suppose.


My photog, Elizabeth Lloyd, refunded my money for a TTD session because I became VERY ill on my wedding day. No questions asked- she gave me all my money back and I didn't even ask. So now she refers brides to me and I let them know how awesome she was for doing that!

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my photographer (moments that matter) was offering a refund, but only in the case that flights were canceled (like yours) or borders were closed. they were not going to offer refunds in the event that you simply "chose" to cancel, which i thought was totally fair and generous. no photographer or vendor is under any obligation to refund your deposit because of the swine flu mess ... it's just a nice thing to do, KWIM?


however, while they would not refund the deposit in the second scenario, they did offer to apply the deposit toward use of their services in the future, i.e. if you perhaps took an anniversary trip there later, or wanted to do a late TTD session. you may want to find out if your photographer will agree to apply your deposit toward future services.


sorry your wedding had to be rescheduled/moved. i'm sure it will be a wonderful experience no matter what! enjoy your day, and best of luck to you!

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Carlos, because of all the stuff that happened she wanted to have her wedding somewhere else do that it didn't end up getting canceled and so that her family would come. I know a lot of people who will not go anywhere near Mexico right now, and if she wants her family and friends to be there, its best for her to pick a new location at this time.


I understand that deposits are non-refundable, but in this circumstance a lot of vendors are being very kind and showing good customer service by returning people's deposits. Ashley was hoping that you would do the same.


I think its kind of you to offer her deposit back if the date gets booked, I hope this works out so she can get some of the money back that she has lost due to circumstances beyond her control.


I hope this works out for everyone in the end.

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Mods I think this thread should be monitored and/or removed- I think there was an unfortunate situation here and that the rest of us brides will never really know what conversation passed between these two. I for one DO NOT want to see a he said, she said back and forth thing start here as I think it compromises the integrity of this forum. I come to read this forum because I am very happy and excited about a major event in my life. It upsets me to have to read these types of threads.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that--since his post-- Carlos and I have begun discussing the situation via e-mail, and I very much appreciate the offer he has put forth.


If you feel it appropriate to remove the thread, please do so. I apologize if this thread offended anyone. Unfortunately, I fail to agree that threads like this allow the integrity of the forum to be questioned, and I believe that the mods and administrators do a wonderful job of monitoring those threads they feel to be questionable or an issue. The posts actually lead to clarity for Carlos and I, and therefore served an amazing purpose-- as this forum does daily.


I would also like to thank everyone for their input on this situation. It has been helpful and insightful to hear the opinions of those of you that have have encountered similar situations, and also those that helped me to understand alternative views of the situation.


I want to stress-- Carlos and I are working things out. I do not-- nor had I at any point-- questioned the talent and skill of Carlos Melnik. He is phenomenal (that's why we booked him the first place) We are working the financial issue out, which takes great integrity and accountability on the part of Carlos' business practices.

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lakerbride, i am sorry posts like these upset you. you have the choice to read them or NOT. some people want to know how vendors respond to complaints about them. in this situation it looks like ashley and carlos are talking things out which is a good thing in my book.

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Ashley and Carlos, I am so happy to hear things are working out for both of you.


Carlos it is very good of you to work things out and offer some alternatives to a bride under these circumstances, it goes to show that you care about your customers and that will get you more clients. I hope someone else from the forum books you in the future.

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I just wanted to post an update-- as I know how important vendor review and status is within this site. I know that this forum is my go-to for reputations, and I wanted to post an update for current and future BDW Brides.


Carlos and I have been e-mailing, and-- thanks to the forum-- came to understand that an entire e-mail from him to myself was never actually received. This error meant that I never recieved the crucial message in which Carlos offered a 50% deposit return, should he be able to re-book June 30th.


Again, Carlos Melnik is an extremely talented photographer, and also one of integrity. He has dealt with this situation in an extremely professional manner, and we have come to understand that the miscommunication was my error (or, my e-mail's error followed by my immediate BDW reaction) and I do not wish to make my review a negative one.


I agree with Tammy, in that these threads allow future brides and potential clients of Carlos to witness his demeanor and business practices. He and I are working out a solution, and I do not wish to pollute his reputation as an excellent Puerto Vallarta photographer, but rather to showcase the prompt and effective communication that can occur as a product of this forum.


Carlos has been kind enough to communicate with myself in Spanish over the past two months-- a request that I had made, as I wanted to practice my skills. He is a great communicator-- thus my frustration when I hadn't recieved an e-mail from him following his 1st response. However, aside from our dual frustration over the cancellation and subsequent financial consequences, Carlos was always friendly and quick to respond.


I hope that Carlos Melnik is a photographer that future brides will consider hiring, and I thank all of you, again, for your support and advice. You're all great!smile03.gif

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Ashley, thanks for the update. I think it is wonderful that you came to a resolution that was satisfactory to both of you. It really shows the power of BDW and also what can happen when people just try to be civil to each other, have good intent, and try to work things out.

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