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Receiving money as a gift...

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So we've just received a gift this week which was some cash. Now my question is, are people expecting for you to buy something with what they gave you and then tell them what you bought? Or do you think it's ok to put in savings for either the wedding itself, or something you may want to buy later? I wonder if people will get upset? Thoughts anyone?

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wow that was an early gift!!


I wouldfor sure send them a thank you note. was it a large amount? I think if it was a big chunk if change that it would be ok to say thanks for contributing to our marriage, and leave it ambiguous at that.


then spend it on what you need to, for the wedding or honeymoon or whatever.


later if you are asked what it was used for you can say saving for honeymoon expenses, I mean it's all relative whether you spend it now or later, it's the same money, kwim? :)

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Usually I send a thank you note that says " Thank you for the generous gift. FI and I will be able to use it for _____".


You are absolutely not obligated to say what you're using it for. As long as you say thank you, you're fine

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I think a Thank-you card is all that is need. I don't think you have to explain further. But under such circumstances they are probably not going to attend then wedding. I think in such a case they are very considerate and again a thank-you for that consideration is all that is needed.

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Shit. The vast majority of our friends thought that if they weren't coming to our wedding in JA it was their "ticket" out. Nice, eh? Those that gave us gifts, money or otherwise got thank you cards. We didn't explain what we did with the money.

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I definitely don't think you need to explain what you did with a cash gift that was smaller (ie. $50, although I agree that everything helps!), OR one that was larger but comes later (close to or after the wedding) - (although, if you ended up buying something before you send thank you cards out - an excursion, a lawn mower, whatever, you could mention it in the thank you card).


It might be nice to mention what the money will go toward, no matter the gift (ie.. a downpayment, a new vehicle, a lawn mower haha), however the only time I think you really should give an explanation might be when a close family member gives you a considerable sum as a gift "to help with the wedding".. I might be wrong about this, but in this instance I would probably let them know that they helped to buy 'the beautiful flowers', or 'the dress' or whatever, just to show gratitude, and help make them feel like they were an important part of 'the day' coming together.

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