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Hey ladies- Happy Friday!!!


My FI and I decided not to do professional engagment pictures due to cost. I wasn't really too disappointed because I figured I wouldn't use them much anyway since we have a somewhat short engagment and a DW where I probably won't bring TOO many pics of us to decorate. I figured I'd just bring some cute ones from some of our vacations or something!


Well my FMIL and mom keep telling me they want some engagement pics so they can announce it in the paper. My FMIL said she'd like some for scrapbooking purposes too. I was thinking of having my MOH or bridesmaid just take some of us in a cute area and photo edit them myself.


Has anyone done this, and if so, would you mind sharing your engagement pics?

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You might want to try Craigs List too. A lot of beginners and up and coming photogs who want to build their portfolio will offer services really cheap or even free. I'd recommend meeting with them first and seeing SOME pictures, but if you get it for free you haven't really lost much .

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Hey date twin :)


I didn't do this - but my girlfriend did and they turned out awesome...they just found different poses they liked on photographers blogs - and recreated them with a friend of theirs who just used a digital camera...they then used those to create their guestbook on snapfish...it was cute.


I also agree with Nam though - you could totally get a beginner photographer for free. A lot of them will do it because they can use the photos in their portfolio - they probably would be a lot better quality as well. I'd check out craigslist - maybe even post your own posting.

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Hey Josie-Tyler and I decided not to do engagement pics and we are just going to take a snapshot of ourselves to put in the paper b/c that was the only reason we were going to do epics. I saw a couple the other month in the newspaper that were dressed nicely and it was just a snapshot and I thought it looked better than the other posed pics in the paper. I say go for it!

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FI and I will have our engagement pics taken by my brother. He's no professional but photography is one of his hobbies. We were going to take them this past weekend but the weather here in NJ has been quite cold! I agree with Nam, you can find beginner photog's online and a lot will actually do them for free!

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At frst I wanted to do pro. engagement pics, but then I decided that I would much rather send the money on TTD session while in Jamaica for our wedding. I never heard of such a thing, until I viewed some pics and posts on here. I think that this is such a great idea! and different too!

We are going to do engagement pics, but are going to have our picture savy friend to them at a local park instead and save the cash for the TTD to splurge alittle. I have a few poses in my head that would look nice. I have a daughter and he does as well, so we are going to have "family" pics, the girls separate and together, and then just the 2 of us. It gives me an excuse to dress up! lol

I agree with the other posts, to search amongst friends or even on craigs list if you would want to. With the help of that and chosing poses that look nice, you won't go wrong. Goog Luck!

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We asked my fiance's sister to take a few nice photos of us. We'll just choose the best and frame it to put on the signing table. Other than that I'm not sure what else to do with the photos, so I like the idea of DIY, and saving the expense for more important things.

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