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UPS Package stolen from front door....and it was my BD Album & pics!! *update #33

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Ahh..damn Yolanda. I need to go read up through all the posts for an update, but I just wanted you to know how sorry and just plain pissed I am on your behalf. This is just freakin messed up and wretched..I can just imagine the stress you are feeling. That's a violation and to make it worse to endure, you're trying to keep it from DH..bless your heart.


Hang in there sweetie. I'm rooting for a good resolution for you with this. I know it's hard but try not to think terrible things.

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Hey ladies, I'm sorry I've been MIA but I do have an update.

First, again, I'm thanking ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN SO CONCERNED & WHO HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT ME. It really is sooo thoughtful of all of you & it felt great having your support!smile03.gif


So last Friday, I stayed home & saw the UPS guy when he came. I asked him if he remembered leaving the package at the door on Monday. He said he didn't remember AT ALL, despite me telling him that I had a delivery confirmation.

I describe the box to him based on the photog's description and he vaguely remembers the box. He goes on to say that he seriously doubts the package was stolen from my door, since he ALWAYS leaves packages at people's door in my building.

He then suggests that MAYBE, MAYBE, he delivered it to the wrong building next door, to my apt # in that building. While its not something he does often, he says mistakes happen & maybe he did that in this instance.

I felt that this was unlikely & even told him how DH had mentioned that he was gonna go next door to the other bldg & see if the person with our same apt # had the package but I thought it was a bad idea.


The UPS guy had just come from the bldg next door & said he was going to go back to see if the person was home & then he'd come back to my bldg & let me know what happens.


When he came back, I go downstairs & he's just standing there. As I approach him, HE PULLS THE BOX FROM BEHIND HIS BACK!!!

You all just don't know how happy I was to see that darn box, it was amazing!!!! Actually, I'm sure you do know! I could've kissed him but I settled on hugging him.


He then goes on to apologize over & over for the mishap. I tell him no problem & thank him again. I was thankful that at least he heard me out & went to check on it for me. Anyone else could've said sorry, not my problem!


We then wonder why the person next door held on to the box the entire week. They could have easily brought it to me since it had my address & apt # clearly visible on the box. Not only that, but the shipping label that the photog used, had her name, address & her phone #. She could've called the photog & told her she had a misplaced package from her. Further, since the package had the UPS tracking #, she couldv've even called UPS.

She told the UPS guy that she was holding the package until he came back to deliver something else to her!!! Sighhh.....Um, what if that day never came?? Or what if that was 2 weeks later??


Initially I was upset that she didn't think to return it herself, but I QUICKLY GOT OVER IT since the package was finally in my possession. When I thought about how badly this could have ended, my attitude changed & I stopped blaming the lady!

Sooooooo again, I HAVE MY BD ALBUM & DISC!!!


Last kicker of the story....as I'm thanking the UPS guy who I now know as Tony, he says, "so that package is from a photog huh?" I said "Yup". He goes, "soooo ANY NAKED PICS IN THERE"huh.gif?" bann.gifcensored.gif blush2.gif

I COULD HAVE SANK INTO A HOLE WHEN HE ASKED ME THAT...I QUICKLY said "NO!...These are actually wedding pics!"

He said "oohhh ok, darn!!!"



Anyway, thats it!! Looking back, I feel like I got crazy for nothing, but you know how it goes, when you're in panic mode, nothing can make your situation better.

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Oh Yolanda!! I am SOOOOO happy for you!!! I have tears in my eyes reading that update!! I can only imagine how you ecstatic you must feel having your pictures in hand AND undisturbed!!! I am so thrilled (as you must be!!)

My mom always says "positive thinking brings positive results"! And that is what BDW is all about!!!

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