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UPS Package stolen from front door....and it was my BD Album & pics!! *update #33

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I have been crying all morning so bear with me if I am all over the place with this vent.

I had been talking to Yamille about our BD albums. We were trying to figure out if & when they shipped. She told me that she received her album on Monday. That prompted me to ask our photog about my album. Well I wake up this morning to an email from her saying that my album shipped on Friday & was DELIVERED on Monday. Needless to say it's not in my possession.


So I instantly start to panic. She gives me the tracking #, I look it up & sure enough it says delivered. It actually says that it was left at my front door. Now this isn't unusual. Our UPS guy ALWAYS leaves packages at our door if we're not home & we ALWAYS get them without incident. So this stumps me.


I call UPS & ask them to verify everything, which they do. I tell the rep that although it says delivered, I haven't received the package. She tells me that my only recourse is to go back to the sender, have the sender call them & they will start an investigation. Fine. I do all of that.


For some reason, I call UPS back to ask them something else when I notice that the rep is calling me by another name. I ask her to verify the shipping name & she tells me it has my first name, but a different last name. For a minute, this explains why I may not have actually received the package. But then the package had my shipping address which included my correct apartment #, so although my name didn't exactly match, I still should have gotten the package. I've had packages shipped to me with my maiden name before & I've always received those so thats why I know the name doesn't make too much of a difference as long as my apt # is on there. And not for nothing, the status is still "delivered". So even though my name may not have been correct, there is no one else in my building who has the "wrong" last name that was on the package.


Anyway, to make a long story short, my BD album & disc with ALL OF MY PICS is MIA! I don't know how to contain myself. I made it to work and as soon as I got here I was a crying mess. Then DH calls to wish my happy bday & I'm in tears. He ofcourse wants to know whats wrong. So now I SOOO want to tell him but I just CAN'T. I don't want to ruin the surprise for him. I embellish the truth by telling him the story but by telling him that its simply a package, a gift that I ordered for him for our anniversary, like a watch. I had to tell him something!!!


We're supposed to be going out to dinner tonight to celebrate my bday but I really dont think I'm up to it. Since DH thinks the missing package is simply a watch or something, he can't understand why I'm "this" upset since "there's nothing that I can do about it"....If he only knew!!!

I'm sure that when I tell him the story behind this in June, he'll understand why I was "this" upset.


So someone, somewhere, has my bann.gif album & disc. I don't know who the hell it is but I'm sick. The only thing that keeps me sane right now is that at least the pictures are tasteful and at least I wasn't totally naked in any of them. Again, this only makes me feel 1% better, the other 99% of me is torn up!


I'm telling you ladies this because at least I know that you can understand given the sensitive nature. I'm also telling you this to prevent this from happening to you. For those of you who are having albums & pictures sent to your home from the photographer, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take extra precautions. Verify/double check your shipping name & address. Make sure that you are advised as to when they ship, you get a tracking #, and you get a firm delivery date so that you know when exactly when to expect them.

If you know that you aren't likely to be home, send them someplace where you know a friend or family member can receive the package & sign for it.


All I can hope for right now is that the package suddenly appears at my door or that it gets returned back to the photographer. I know these are long shots but I will keep hoping this until I'm out of denial.

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OMG this is horrible. I feel sick for you. What kind of dirtbag would steal a package from someones frontdoor. I hope that j/o get his. But i really hope its a mistake and got delievered to the wrong door or somethign and the person realizes its not their package when they see the address. (that's happened to me on 3 different occassions in the last 2 yrs). So i hope that's the case and no one is seeing your bd pics.

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Oh god that so so sucks. My heart breaks for you.. not only because of the excitement and let down.. but because they are not something you would want a random person having!


Hopefully it was just a mistake and someone will return it to you soon.


Sending positive and hopeful thoughts!



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Let me first say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Although, I'm sure you don't feel much like celebrating. I am so sorry! I can't even imagine how upset you are. I can't believe UPS would just leave a package on the front step...and of an apartment building!!! Is that normal?? It seems so bizarre to me!! Can you hold them accountable for it?? ie, get your $$ back at least?? I know that doesn't make up for someone out there having half naked pics of you, but at least it's something. And I don't want to freak you out any more than you already are, but you should be extra careful now - the person who has your pics could be a real weirdo. Could you maybe put up posters in your building asking anyone who has seen/taken it to return it?? Maybe someone took it by mistake - although, I don't know how that is possible - but you never know. Good luck sweetie...and please be careful.

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Oh my goodness....I am soooo sorry to hear this happened!!! I can't believe someone would stoop so low as to STEAL a package from someone else's doorstep!!! cry.gif


A similar situation happened to me, except it was with my passport...Canada Post screwed up and deivered my passport to the wrong person (I was scared sh**less about who could have my IDENTITY). Long story short, w/. the help of the post office, they were able to find the person and get it back....but my god, those few days were NOT fun!!!


Hang in there...Who knows, you may end up getting your package back?!?!??



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Oh that really is the worst.


Have you contacted the photog about sendin another disc and re-ordering the BD album? That might be what you have to do.


My BD album was "mis-placed" en route from our DW resort to our honeymoon resort. Luckily, my photog still had the album saved, so I paid for a reorder at a discounted price.


Just a thought so you know that there is a way to salvage the situation.


Good Luck! xoxo

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I am so sorry to hear this is happening to you!! I can't imagine the range of emotions you must be feeling right now and I know I'd be feeling the exact same way. This cements my paranoia about leaving the slip on my door for the courier to leave the package on the front step. I get scared every time I sign that slip that someone is going to steal whatever I'm expecting from me. I'm actually expecting a package to be left on my doorstep today and now I'm even more worried. I really hope you track down your stuff, especially since they're BD pics. *Hugs* let us know how it turns out!!

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Justustwo - How awful! I completely understand your state of mind right now and the sense of panic you have, but all hope is not lost! I recently had a package of photographs "delivered" to my house from USPS that came with some drama (although not nearly as intense as your). While tracking this package, USPS had indicated that it was delivered several days prior, when it was not in fact delivered. After talking to numerous folks at the post office, I was continuously given the run-around and was told that I could file a report, but they insisted that the package was delivered. After several agonizing days and phone calls, we figured out that the package was delivered to the wrong address (postal carrier inverted my address with my neighbor's) and the package was then correctly delivered to me...unopened.


Your package could still very easy show-up. There are these mix-ups all the time unfortunately, but there is still hope. Do you have a neighbor that you frequently get your mail mixed-up with?


I'm sending you the best and all the positive energy I can!!!

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oh no, yolanda im freaking out right along with you! as if the stress from hiding the whole thing wasnt enough!


you dont think FI may have somehow gotten to the package before you, and hasnt said anything because he doesnt know how to tell you?


what a horrible birthday gift, my friend, im so sad for you right now!

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I'd be freaking out too! That really sucks! I wish I had some magic fix for you. Have you checked with your neighbors to see if they accidentally picked it up? Or your super, since you live in an apt bldg?


We always have packages left on our porch or stoop, and I've never had a problem, but to lose the BD pics?? Man, that reallllly stinks!

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