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Hello all,


I am probably the only man on this site, which is slightly embarrassing! My fiancee is in grad school, so I have a little bit more time to spend on the net during the day.


Name: Elvis (yes, that's really my name)

Wedding Date: 5/8/10

Wedding Location: Dreams Los Cabos


This website has been a tremendous help to our planning so far. Our focus right now is finding the right photographer and entertainment. We have the photographer down to two and havent begun to look for entertainment. If anyone has any advice about ANYTHING, please don't hesitate to share.





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Welcome Elvis!! Don't worry, you aren't the only guy on this site. We have a lot of male vendors, but we also have a few awesome grooms who really add a whole lot to the forum and we love!! So, welcome aboard! I personally think it's awesome that you are able to help your fiance out with the planning!

Now, Dreams Cabo... gorgeous. Great choice.

Who are the two photographers? Is Juan one of them? He's seriously amazing!!

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You are not the only male on this site, there are actually a couple grooms on this site. I think it is soooo awesome that you're helping with the planning process. My FI seems to have no opinion about anything, other than what's for dinner, LOL. Good luck & I hope you find the help your looking for.

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Hiya Elvis - you're not alone, there's several guys running around here somewhere. I think it's cool you're taking on lots of the planning so your fiance can work on school. You'll find lots of helpful information here.


Congratulations on your engagement and Welcome!

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