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Our 50" Plasma is DEAD

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Are you sure it was from the storm? Does your tv have a bulb? We have an LCD tv and the bulb goes out every couple years. It costs $200 to replace each time but it's better then having to replace the tv. I'm not sure if plasma's have a bulb. When our bulb goes out the TV won't turn on anymore until we replace it.

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No, I don't think we're sure 100% that it was from the storm. Honestly I know little to nothing about how TVs work... but FI said it looks to be something like the circuit board? or something like that? He thinks it can be fixed, but it's going to be a biatch to take off the wall and get it somewhere, then have to pay the extra money to have it fixed. But, shit happens. We'll probably just wait until we get home from out HM to deal with it...

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My moms plasma "died" last week and she took it to a repair center, come to find out certain plasma's have this gas or liquid (don't quote me) it's like the halogen lights, well anyways it runs out and they have to replace it. The repair guy told us that it runs out every couple of years. It runs out faster when you leave the TV on all day which is what my mom does. Good luck!!

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depends on your insurance. coverage. and if you can juggle or not


i would NOT call them though and ask them unless you are really cool with your agent and you know they wont jack up your rates just because you ask them about a claim. also if you have had claims before it wont really be worth it. i had two claims and they dropped me. LAME..


you might want to check with the store you bought it from especilally if its costco.. if you go there and are nice enough and whine and complain enough they will take back anything. my dad got a brand new grill thats nicer then the one he has AND he got money back just because somehting broke on his haha.


so i'd go there first. then look to the insurance.

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Originally Posted by damaris View Post
My moms plasma "died" last week and she took it to a repair center, come to find out certain plasma's have this gas or liquid (don't quote me) it's like the halogen lights, well anyways it runs out and they have to replace it. The repair guy told us that it runs out every couple of years. It runs out faster when you leave the TV on all day which is what my mom does. Good luck!!
Plasma tv's are gas between 2 pains of glass. The gas leaks. Depending on how often you use it they usually die in 5-7 years w/ normal wear and tear. although yes, plasma has a better brighter picture than an LCD but they have to be replaced much much much sooner than an LCD. This is part of the reason plasmas are becoming cheaper than an LCD. Unfortunately its just what plasmas do and its possible thats what could have happened
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Not good, I hope your luck turns around soon!


If you end up having to buy a new one, you might consider Costco we just got ours from there it's 52 inches and we got a great deal on it! Plus they give you a free 2 year extended warranty.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. Unfortunately my Dad got it for us and somehow roped it into our mortgage (ughhhh, I know - smart, right?!). He said he got a really good deal. it's an LG so it's a great model.


Starting to miss the tv sad.gif At least we have our smaller LCD in the bedroom!


I guess we'll take it to a repair shop and see what's up after we get back from the HM.

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I missed this thread until now.. but ugh! one thing after another! your patience is really being tested sweetie!


I hope the TV is an easy fix and that you're staying calm and getting excited for everything!



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