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Tara, my jeweler suggested that if it is still too loose for my taste, then they can square off the bottom in the inside. Its just like filling in the gaps of where the ring is too lose for you. This (she said) is also super easy to remove in-store in case you gain a lot of finger weight!!

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My problem is my knuckle is bigger than my finger, and my ring spins all the time. I hate it I have this beautiful diamond and it is always on the bottom of my hand, it's a size 5 and I am wondering if I should take it down a size also, or wait til I have my wedding band and see if it keeps it in place.


I don't know Tara, you may want to make it smaller. You never know when the urge will overcome you to shake your hand furiously, while wet. To committ to never doing this again is a committment that will take dicipline, do you think you have it in to make a serious committment like that?


Be honest Tara you want to do it now don't ya, the more we talk about it the more you want to shake, fight the urge, stay strong!!!


Oh the problems we have (lol)



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Mine is a 5.5 and it's the same way... The diamond always slides under my finger - my jewler said it's just top heavy.

I tried the 5.0 and I could not even get it on!

Mine has never actually come off... when I'm cold it slides to my knuckle, but never over it... and when I am hot it gets so tight that it leaves an impression! lol

I have just given up!

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Originally Posted by RaydensMama View Post
I would get it resized a bit smaller. If it comes of just from shaking then it is too big.
I actually agree with Laura. Like a freakin' retard, I just shook my hand like crazy to see if the ring would come off (keep in mind.. I'm at work! lol), and it moved to the knuckle, and the diamond fell towards my palm, but it didn't fly off. I definately think that's too big!
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