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11 guests canceled today - majorly frustrated!


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So I know some of you had to cancel your wedding all together because of the darn swine flu, and I donâ€t want to take away from the sadness, frustration you must feel. But I just had 11 guests cancel TODAY because of the swine flu fears.




Itâ€s not even in the news anymore. I feel even worse because itâ€s basically all of my FH family. Iâ€m the one that really wanted a destination wedding in Mexico. I feel terrible. Theyâ€re scared of the flu, of the violence, on and on. I honestly think they didnâ€t want to come in the first place and this was their easy way out. They think of Mexico as this really strange, dangerous place. Itâ€s just so not warranted.


Itâ€s so rude to cancel less than 4 weeks out after everything has been purchased, personalized, etc. I canâ€t believe them! Theyâ€re all losing their deposits with the travel agency and theyâ€re fine with that. UGH!


Thanks for letting me vent. I feel bad venting to my parents who have paid for everything as I donâ€t want to seem ungrateful and FH is really upset too so I donâ€t want to vent to him.


Now I have to spend the rest of the day at work with a red nose and eyes from all of my crying. POOOOP!


OK, now Iâ€m going to be excited about the 61 people still coming!

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So sorry this happened. I definitely agree that most of the fears are unwarranted and that people should realize they are going for a wedding and stop being selfish.

61 is still an awesome number. All your hard work will be appreciated!

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I know its hard but you just need to forget about them and enjoy your time there, enjoy your fi, and enjoy all the guests that did come and said SCREW the flu! Plus if you think they were just looking for an excuse not to come wouldnt you rather they not come. People like that usually complain about every little thing and you dont need someone like that down there with you while your trying to have fun.


Your wedding is going to be great and they will be missing out.

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So sorry to hear that fear is getting the best of some of your guests! That is such a shame!


11 people to cancel is quite a lot in 1 day. That is a lot to take! I would recommend to take care of yourself today. Whatever that means to you.


And yes...just focus on the good. 61 people is a lot and you are still able to celebrate with those who truly want to be there with you and your FH.


Hang in there sweetie! And feel free to vent on here. That is what we are here for. smile03.gif



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Thanks girls! You're the best. You guys are probably right, since they didn't really want to come to begin with, they probably would have complained the whole time. Eff 'em.


I'm going to dance lessons tonight with the FH and am going to enjoy every moment visualizing our first dance on the beach! smile72.gif

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I am so sorry... and good for you for having a good attitude! I am glad you are staying positive for your FH. Im sure it is really hard on him and by comforting him your love says volumes! He'll never forget how you were there for him.


Enjoy your wedding! It is about you and him.

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Awww I'm sorry. That truly sucks. Lots of brides invite people and they decline for no reason at all- or some bogus reason like money, vacation time, etc. At least you know it's the stupid swine flu rather than them just not giving a shit.


So for an experienced bride's point of view (mine wink.gif ) you will not notice they are not there. I had two people miss the boat going to my wedding and I didn't even notice they weren't there! LOL. I mean, they showed up in MX, but just didn't make the ceremony and I had no clue until they told me the next day. Trust me- it's their loss, not yours. Have a wonderful time! It will be the best experience of your life.

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