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My Check Card was Stolen

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Oh NO! Sorry to hear about this terrible situation. I'm sure the bank will be able to help you out (well they better!!!!).


Stay strong, you will overcome all the issues/obstacles and it will all be sooo worth it in the end... on your wonderful wedding day!

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that is the WORST! i would just about die ... i do EVERYTHING with that card!


it's awful that your bank is being jerked off about it. like you need any more stress!!! well, going through these trials in life *together* will make your relationship all the more strong. hug2.gif

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Are you able to look online to see your transactions after the point that you think you lost it? That way you can see where it's being used, if it's really stolen. If there was a withdrawl right after yours that cleaned out your account, then they can definitely check the tape to see that the second person WASN'T YOU.


Either way, they shouldn't give you a hard time. That's just rude and uncalled for.

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Sorry to hear that...that is the worst. Well what you need to do is go to the police station and file a police report. Take the report to your bank, speak to a persoanl banker and file an unathorized usage affidavit.


Everything should be cleared up soon.

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Well no we really haven't gotten anything cleared up. We figured out what happened bc my fi and I are constantly checking the acct and due to the wedding, we are on a strict budget. So this morning I saw that (one of us) went to Family Dollar yesterday 2x and spent 56.00 then 31.00 I'm like umm ok... my fi wouldn't never shop there and I was with my family all day yest. When I picked up my phone to bb message him he had already sent me a message saying why'd you spend $80 at Family Dollar yest (I man seriously who spends $80 at Family Dollar the store sux).Neither of us really focused on the other 100s of dollars missing in small increments like $10 here and $15 there... I went to get my bank card out of my wallet to call the bank and noticed that I didnt have it.

SO I called the 1888 # at the bank and was told that I had to complete a police report to in order for them to do the reg e form.

So I went to the police dept like 4 mins from my house (ok that was a weird experience in itself bc they had 3 ppl in plastic handcuffs being loaded into a paddy wagon... totally freaked me out they almost touched me wtf!!!!). The cops n there asked me my address and said oh we're not your district you need to go to the Notheastern district. So I go to the north eastern district they tell me that I have to have a copy of the fraud affidaivt from the bank to file a report. I'm like u gotta be f...ing kiddin me. If my shoe got stolen would I need a fraud affidavit from the bankhuh.gif??

I called the bank again from my car in the police parking lot, the lady's like just forget it and go straight to the branch (there's only 1 branch of our bank and it's really not close to my house) and they'll print the reg e form for me to sign. Now the lady told me she completed the form.

I get to the bank and they girl tells me (after searching forever for the form) that bc the transactions are still pending they can't fill out the reg e form bc the charges may drop off somehow. I'll like just kill me now please!!!! How the hell are the charges gonna magically drop off!!!!!!!!

After that I just gave up and went to work exhausted.

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WHAT? It totally sounds like you are getting the run-around - which is even MORE annoying in this situation! I think you should go back to the bank tomorrow and DEMAND to speak w/ a manager - did they cancel your card for you? So the police basically did nothing? Argh- how annoying - and in the mean-time you are out that money right? That totally sucks, so sorry girl!

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Call the branch manager and have him/her outline the banks policies for a stolen or lost card with unauthorized charges -in writing. That way you have their protocol and can follow it instead of being jerked around with people who just don't have a clue what they are talking aboutor just don't feel like dealing with it.


If that manager is not available then ask to speak with their manager and so on till you get someone, don't take no for an answrer or allow yourself to be placed in voicemail.


I had clients that needed to dispute a charge and they were being given the run around in the worst way (over several days-lots of back & forth and still no paerwork filed even though they kept saying they wanted to dispute the charges- it was insane),so I got involved ( they were a sweet young couple trying to go on their honeymoon). At first they tried the same crap with me until I asked for everything, in written, as to exactly how they handle disputes....well then we were able to resolve everything within a matter of an hr as opposed to the 3 days this poor couple kept going back to be told something else!


Good luck

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