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Oh, is this your girlfriend?

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I agree that it is not maybe you are a tad sensitive. I think people are just forgetful and it does take a few times to remember. I personally never called my husband Fiance when we were formally engaged that often. I used boyfriend because it did nto come to me naturally. However, it did not lessen the importance or siginifcance of our relationship. We have been married two months now and it is still hard to say husband It takes getting used to. Don't sweat it!

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I agree with Savannah and MarieSam you're hilarious...

Girl don't stress yourself out over such things. We use the term fiancees but everyone else calls him my hubby (and have been way before we were even engaged). Every time they say hubby or boyfriend or man I correct them and say fiancee. Only bc we will only be engaged for 11 months so that's an important time for us and we want to acknowledge it. But I def don't freak out when someone doesn't use the term fiance/e.

On the other hand we decided to do pre-marital counseling before we were engaged so once we started that my pastor considered us engaged and always has referred to us as fiance/e...

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