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Torn between a BBQ or a semi formal AHR

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I think a bbq is a great idea and that's what we're doing for the AHR. Originally we were just going to have it in our apartment's common backyard and make the food ourselves, but my mom said she wanted to host it, so now its at my parents with a caterer making the food (still bbq hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, and drinks), and we're having a fancy cake and putting our "wedding attire" back on for the benefit of those who didn't make it to Cuba. It's going to be 2 weeks after we return, and we included it on the formal invitation with a response card for both activities! So far, very favourable response to it - looks like we'll have somewhere around 60-70 people! I love the idea of a slideshow...I think I'll make a powerpoint and run it on the big screen TV, and leave out other pictures for people to look at. I'm looking forward to being able to celebrate with those people who can't made it to the DW :)

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Originally Posted by August2010Bride View Post
Ladies Help! I'm torn between a casual BBQ AHR or a semi-formal one. You see if money were no object I would want to have a semi-formal reception, but now that I'm actually seeing how fast the costs are adding up, I'm seriously considering a casual BBQ at a local park and calling it a day.

What are your thoughts... Does anyone have any review or pics from there BBQ AHR?

We had planned a park BBQ...but couldn't find anywhere that allowed alcohol , had bathrooms...etc. We found a nice casual place where our reception will be outside, and the menu is reasonable, but still for our large guest list its really adding up. also now I'm getting a DJ and photographer....Its getting out of hand, but I'm happy because with having it at a 'facility' there is someone there running the show and making sure things will go smoothly. we're excited now to have almost a second wedding, without the vows! I'm going with things like the resorts photographer to cut back on excess spending, rather than hiring an outside person, etc...i'm not going to go nuts with fancy invites and stuffed OOT bags..... have to compromise somewhere because we are paying for all of it
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We bought and prepped all the food for our AHR and cooked it ourselves. We also provided all the liquor and beer (which we were able to get through a liquor distributor at cost). Granted we ended up preparing more food and drinks than we needed but better more than running out. In total, with everything from the park rental to food and drinks to decorations and supplies, it cost us a total of approx. $1600 for about 100 people. We had it this past weekend and had a blast! I'll put a review out there soon with pics. :-)

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My FI and I have families that come from different parts of the country, so we have to have TWO AHR's! Actually, we are having three, two in Montreal and one in Halifax. The AHR's in Montreal will both be casual (on is a BBQ at his Dad's and the other is in the VIP of a night club... don't ask) but the one in Halifax will be a little more formal simply because of the sheer number of guests we will have. We are having it in a community centre (that we get for free, yay!) and we are having hors d'ouvres, showing the slideshow and whatnot. Nut it will be an afternoon thing, so still along the lines of casual as well! :) It's whatever suits you, but we had to keep cost in mind, since we have more than one! Haha

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Originally Posted by mitzy7 View Post
I really like the idea of a BBQ for our AHR, but the only problem is that no one I know has a backyard large enough to hold it. Other than a backyard, or park, where else can you host a BBQ AHR?
We found a place that is basically a farm- Francis Farm in Mass. they do a lot of clam bakes, BBQ's, and the like. YOu can also get married there. They have a wide variety of menus. Most local people have family reunions, or work parties there that are very informal- outdoors, volleyball, etc..However, I'm using that facility but having a night time reception- so it will be casual but not too casual. We'll be having a BBQ chicken buffet with salad and a few other sides. There will be linens and china but its still just out on this covered pavillion. So..casual and a little cheaper, but it will be fancied up a bit with the linens and my centerpieces!
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