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Katie and Max's Dreams Tulum Wedding Review 5/1/2009

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Here is our ceremony that we put together...it was really beautiful:



Groom (Max) will walk in to no music escorted by his parents.

Flower girls (Ryan Taylor & Morgan Pollitz) escorted by ring bearers (Jake Pollitz

& Casey Taylor) will walk in to music provided by the resort.

Bride (Katie) will walk in to music provided by resort escorted by her mother

(Monica Sukenik)



OFFICIANT: "On behalf of Katie and Max, it is my honor to welcome you and thank you all for gathering here on this beautiful day to witness their wedding ceremony. The fact that you all have traveled such a great distance to be here today is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have. They would like to sincerely thank you all for sharing in this celebration of their commitment to each other. A special and respectful acknowledgement must also be made to those friends and family members who were unable to attend, or have passed on, but whose spirits remain alive and strong in all our hearts."


“I have also been asked by Katie and Max to thank their parents for the

wonderful lives they have given them, for the hard work and guidance they have provided, for their everlasting love, support, and encouragement. They would not be who they are today without your involvement in their lives.â€


“Katie, Max…Today you are surrounded by your family and friends, all of whom

gather here to witness this love and to share in the joy of this occasion which will be one of the most memorable and happiest days of your life. You each bring to this marriage your own personality and spirit to form a union created by friendship, respect and love.â€



OFFICIANT: “At this time will Sean Taylor please come forward.â€


“May you be blessed with all things good.

May your joys, like the stars at night,

Be too numerous to count.

May lack and struggle only serve to make you stronger and may beauty, order

and abundance be your constant companions.

May every pathway you choose lead to that which is pure and good and lovely.

May every doubt and fear be replaced by a deep abiding trust as you behold

evidence of a higher power all around you.

May you always be aware you are loved beyond measure and may you be willing

to love unconditionally in return.

May you remember that love flows best when it flows freely.

May you always have music and laughter and may a rainbow follow every storm.

May gladness wash away every disappointment, may joy dissolve every sorrow

and may love ease every pain.

May every wound bring wisdom and every trial bring triumph and with each

passing day may you live more abundantly than the day before.â€

(Sean will sit down.)



OFFICIANT: "Today you join yourselves together for life, as friends and lovers, Husband and Wife. The vows you are about to exchange represent your pledge to each other. For it is not the words that bind you together as one, but it is the love and commitment each of you feel deep within your soul."


"Max, Repeat after me."

"I, Max, take you, Katie, to be my partner in life. / I promise to walk by your side forever / and to love, help and encourage you in all you do. / I will take time to talk with you, / to listen to you, / and to care for you. / I will share your laughter and your tears / as your partner, lover and best friend. / Everything I am and everything I have is yours / now and forevermore."

"Katie, Repeat after me."


"I, Katie, give myself to you, Max, / on this our wedding day. / I will cherish our friendship / and love you today, tomorrow and forever. / I will trust you and honor you. / I will love you faithfully / through the best and the worst, / through the difficult and the easy. / What may come, I will be there always. / As I have given you my hand to hold, / so I give you my life to keep."


OFFICIENT: “Marriage is the bringing together of two circles of love to present a new circle of love. The bride's family and friends have supported her during her life, as the groom's family and friends have supported him through his life. Your love and support does not stop now that they will be married. Now that you have heard Katie and Max recite their vows, will all of you, their family and friends, promise, from this day forward to encourage them and love them, and to help guide and support them in being steadfast in the promises they have made?â€

“Please answer, â€We do.â€



OFFICIANT: “The vows which have been exchanged are but words that are fleeting and the sound of them is soon gone.â€

“The wedding rings become an enduring symbol of the promises which have

been madeâ€


“Katie and Max please join hands.â€

“These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for

you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each

other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and as in today, tears of joy. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children, the hands that will help you to hold your family as one. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch."


"Max Repeat after me...Katie, as I place this ring on your finger, / may it always remind you of my never-ending love, / and may it always remind me / of the precious treasure I have in you. / Wear this ring with joy, / for your love has made me complete."


"Katie Repeat after me...Max, as I place this ring on your finger, / may it always remind you of my never-ending love, / and may it always remind me / of the precious treasure I have in you. / Wear this ring with joy, / for your love has made me complete."



OFFICIANT: "With confidence and deep affection, we send you forth on life's journey together. May love and peace be with you always. May you have courage and wisdom in your future years together, and may the happiness you share today be with you always. With friends and family, along with the sun, the moon, and the sea, I have the pleasure of announcing you as husband and wife."

"Max, You may kiss your Bride."

"It is my pleasure to be the first to introduce to everyone, Mr. & Mrs. Max Vokral.â€

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Originally Posted by leogurl View Post
Wow, you wrote a very beautiful ceremony, and being that it came from you makes it that much more meaningful. Great job!

I was wondering, did your group do any trips or excursions while you were there?

As a group we did not do any excursions. People were coming and going on different days so it was too difficult to plan anything for everyone. We found it was better to let people do their own thing.

We did however do a snorkling excursion with a couple friends and it was amazing! It's called the Mayan Adventure and they pick you up, take you to 3 drop locations, provide lunch and then take you back to your resort. It was really, really cool.

We also went on a deep sea fishing excursion with my husband's family and I personally would not do that again. I made sure I took some motion sickness meds cause I knew it would be rocky, but 2 people got sick so we had to take them back to shore after being out at sea for 2 hours and no fish biting. It was really quite boring since there were no fish biting. If you know guys or girls who like the fisherman type stuff it would be great for them. It was out of a harbor at Puerto Aventuras.

Also, a bunch of folks went to swin with the dolphins at Puerto Aventuras as well. we elected not to do that.

We were going to try to plan a trip for those who wanted to go see the Tulum Ruins, but we while we were there they closed them because of swine flu! So, we never got to see them. sad.gif
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  • 4 months later...
Originally Posted by maxandkatie View Post
Here is our ceremony that we put together...it was really beautiful:

Groom (Max) will walk in to no music escorted by his parents.
Flower girls (Ryan Taylor & Morgan Pollitz) escorted by ring bearers (Jake Pollitz
& Casey Taylor) will walk in to music provided by the resort.
Bride (Katie) will walk in to music provided by resort escorted by her mother
(Monica Sukenik)

OFFICIANT: "On behalf of Katie and Max, it is my honor to welcome you and thank you all for gathering here on this beautiful day to witness their wedding ceremony. The fact that you all have traveled such a great distance to be here today is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have. They would like to sincerely thank you all for sharing in this celebration of their commitment to each other. A special and respectful acknowledgement must also be made to those friends and family members who were unable to attend, or have passed on, but whose spirits remain alive and strong in all our hearts."

“I have also been asked by Katie and Max to thank their parents for the
wonderful lives they have given them, for the hard work and guidance they have provided, for their everlasting love, support, and encouragement. They would not be who they are today without your involvement in their lives.â€

“Katie, Max…Today you are surrounded by your family and friends, all of whom
gather here to witness this love and to share in the joy of this occasion which will be one of the most memorable and happiest days of your life. You each bring to this marriage your own personality and spirit to form a union created by friendship, respect and love.â€

OFFICIANT: “At this time will Sean Taylor please come forward.â€
“May you be blessed with all things good.
May your joys, like the stars at night,
Be too numerous to count.
May lack and struggle only serve to make you stronger and may beauty, order
and abundance be your constant companions.
May every pathway you choose lead to that which is pure and good and lovely.
May every doubt and fear be replaced by a deep abiding trust as you behold
evidence of a higher power all around you.
May you always be aware you are loved beyond measure and may you be willing
to love unconditionally in return.
May you remember that love flows best when it flows freely.
May you always have music and laughter and may a rainbow follow every storm.
May gladness wash away every disappointment, may joy dissolve every sorrow
and may love ease every pain.
May every wound bring wisdom and every trial bring triumph and with each
passing day may you live more abundantly than the day before.â€
(Sean will sit down.)

OFFICIANT: "Today you join yourselves together for life, as friends and lovers, Husband and Wife. The vows you are about to exchange represent your pledge to each other. For it is not the words that bind you together as one, but it is the love and commitment each of you feel deep within your soul."

"Max, Repeat after me."
"I, Max, take you, Katie, to be my partner in life. / I promise to walk by your side forever / and to love, help and encourage you in all you do. / I will take time to talk with you, / to listen to you, / and to care for you. / I will share your laughter and your tears / as your partner, lover and best friend. / Everything I am and everything I have is yours / now and forevermore."
"Katie, Repeat after me."

"I, Katie, give myself to you, Max, / on this our wedding day. / I will cherish our friendship / and love you today, tomorrow and forever. / I will trust you and honor you. / I will love you faithfully / through the best and the worst, / through the difficult and the easy. / What may come, I will be there always. / As I have given you my hand to hold, / so I give you my life to keep."

OFFICIENT: “Marriage is the bringing together of two circles of love to present a new circle of love. The bride's family and friends have supported her during her life, as the groom's family and friends have supported him through his life. Your love and support does not stop now that they will be married. Now that you have heard Katie and Max recite their vows, will all of you, their family and friends, promise, from this day forward to encourage them and love them, and to help guide and support them in being steadfast in the promises they have made?â€
“Please answer, â€We do.â€

OFFICIANT: “The vows which have been exchanged are but words that are fleeting and the sound of them is soon gone.â€
“The wedding rings become an enduring symbol of the promises which have
been madeâ€

“Katie and Max please join hands.â€
“These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for
you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each
other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and as in today, tears of joy. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children, the hands that will help you to hold your family as one. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch."

"Max Repeat after me...Katie, as I place this ring on your finger, / may it always remind you of my never-ending love, / and may it always remind me / of the precious treasure I have in you. / Wear this ring with joy, / for your love has made me complete."

"Katie Repeat after me...Max, as I place this ring on your finger, / may it always remind you of my never-ending love, / and may it always remind me / of the precious treasure I have in you. / Wear this ring with joy, / for your love has made me complete."

OFFICIANT: "With confidence and deep affection, we send you forth on life's journey together. May love and peace be with you always. May you have courage and wisdom in your future years together, and may the happiness you share today be with you always. With friends and family, along with the sun, the moon, and the sea, I have the pleasure of announcing you as husband and wife."
"Max, You may kiss your Bride."
"It is my pleasure to be the first to introduce to everyone, Mr. & Mrs. Max Vokral.â€
WOW!! That is so touching and beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes just reading it!! :) Was this for a symbolic ceremony? I don't know about the rules regarding personal vows for symbolic versus legal (civil) ceremony...We would love to be able to write something personal, but we are having a civil/legal ceremony, so I'm not sure if we will be able to do that.
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Thanks for your kind message! Everyone, including our judge lady who married us, said it was just beautiful! We did a symbolic ceremony. I found all of the lines on the internet. I took bits and pieces from different things that I liked. I would check with the WC at Dreams Tulum to see what you are able to add to the legal ceremony. I would think you would be able to add a personal touch to it as long as the "legal" part remains the same. Feel free to use any or all of the ceremony we used. That's why I posted it on here because I searched all over the internet for the right lines for ours. Let me know how it works out with the legal ceremony.




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