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gifts for parents?

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We've pretty much paid for the entire wedding ourselves, with the exception of his parents paying for the Welcome Dinner. So, we're not planning on getting our parents anything. We will of course thank them at the reception though for all of their love and support through the years :)


I think the picture books after the wedding is fine and will be very much appreciated!! :)

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We are getting may parents a $200 gift certificate to the fairmont resorts. They live close to the Algonquin hotel and Golf resort in St Andrews, New-Brunswick, Canada. And they were a little disapointed that our area of Cuba does not have golf. So they will be using it to play some golf there. That being said, they also forked over half of our wedding budget.


I think it really depends on the level of financial support your parents are giving you for the wedding. But I defiently like the idea of a digitial photoframe! I think I might send them one with all of our wedding + vacation pictures :)

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This is something I need help with. My mom bought my dress and is throwing our AHR for us so we're trying to think of something really nice to get her. His mom is not even going so I guess we don't have to worry about her. I was thinking about some diamond earrings. We will see what my funds are looking like next month. She deserves it though.

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We are also paying for the Wedding ourselves, However, our parents have been more then awesome about everything (Our Moms and Step-Dads)..So we are definitely getting them photobooks made after the wedding, but we also got them gifts to give them at the rehearsal.

We got our moms Embroidered Robes from Smarty Pants Boutique..They have their initials on the front and "Mothe of the Bride/groom" on the back..and we are also paying for them to get their hair done. I am thinking of doing the embroidered hankies fo them as well.

For the Ste-dads, we got them "Father of the Bride/Groom" shirts & we'll get cigars in Mexico. We got FI"s Step-dad an engraved Zippo that has "pops" on the front and We Love You on the back with our date under it.

For my step dad we got him this really big black travel coffee mug and on the front their is a metal plat, we got his name engraved on it and it also says we love you, with our date under it.


It took forever to figure out what to get them though, especially the dads, so i am so glad that is done!!!

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We are getting our parents albums after the wedding. We are also going to give them nice bottles of wine with personalized thank you labels. They have pictures and a thank you message. They're all big wine buffs and it will be something nice to display, even after they drink the bottles!

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