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Originally Posted by redwards View Post
Ooh! This is one thing I acutally have experience in! Lol!

I used sparklers at my wedding...used them at the end of the night as we were leaving. I LOVED it! And people really seemed to have fun with them. I think you could totally do that if you wanted. Although it would be equally pretty when you enter the reception, or as Courtney said, during the first dance.

Personally, I would order more. People like sparklers. And some people will light theirs a little early. . .and it will burn out. . .and they'll want another one etc. Although that probably depends on what the burn time is on yours. I know there are some that burn longer...but most burn out fairly fast. I would say at least 1 per person - you may end up with a few extras but I think the more the better...and that way everyone can have their own. :-)

Also, you'll want to maybe test one and see how difficult they are to light. One wedding I went to, the sparklers were super hard to light for some reason...so the guests only had like 1/3 of them lit when the bride and groom were walking out...they were already in their limo by the time the majority of them were lit! I would reccomend either long matches (which worked fine at my wedding) or have a few people with those big, long lighters...like you would use to light the grill or the fireplace. Those work really well too.

And just for fun. . .pictures!
Here are a couple of the sparklers from my wedding.

SmugMug - steve horvath (stevehorvath) : Rachelle & David's Wedding

SmugMug - steve horvath (stevehorvath) : Rachelle & David's Wedding

SmugMug - steve horvath (stevehorvath) : Rachelle & David's Wedding
Rachelle, your pictures are beautiful! I love the contrast of the sparklers and the night. They look wonderful! Just wanted to add that!
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Originally Posted by ilovetj View Post
Did anyone buy sparklers in the US and bring them in their luggage onboard? I have no idea if bringing sparklers out of the US/ into Mexico on a plane is legal- Does anyone knowhuh.gif
I would doubt that you could. I mean, if you couldn't bring beverages online...lol. I think you'd probably have to check them with the rest of your luggage.
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Originally Posted by redwards View Post
That sounds like a great plan....the sparklers will burn down a little as you're walking to do your dance and then everyone will still be gathered around when you're done. I like it!


Ooh! One more thing I thought of...at my reception site, they required us to have somewhere for people to dispose of their sparklers. We did cute little flower pots filled w/ sand...almost like an ashtray I guess. Anyway, it was a safe place for people to get rid of their sparklers and not risk any stray embers or sparks getting on things.


Your reception site may already have this taken care of. But I just thought of it.


Rachelle - thanks so much for all of the info & advice! I'll ask about the sparklers ash trays / flower pots - great idea!

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Rachelle you look gorgeous. Umm I have to say though I think you lost your mind, thinking that no one would want to see your wedding pics. Have you met us? We feen pics like a hooker feens crack.


Jen I can't believe you are getting married in a couple of days. As far as the sparklers go I would also get more so that each of your guests can have one. You can also place them in a heart in the sand and you and FI can sit in them and take a pic. It maybe a nice thank you card. You guys can sit inside and kiss or just sit in inside and look lovingly at each other. *sigh* Can you guys tell I feel romantic?

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Jen I can't believe you are getting married in a couple of days. As far as the sparklers go I would also get more so that each of your guests can have one. You can also place them in a heart in the sand and you and FI can sit in them and take a pic. It maybe a nice thank you card. You guys can sit inside and kiss or just sit in inside and look lovingly at each other. *sigh* Can you guys tell I feel romantic?
That's a very cute idea Glenda!! I just read this out loud to my FI and he laughed... I like it though! smile159.gif

I did order more from Maye so now I have one sparkler per guest - much better!! thanks girls!
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i got my dress at LUlus!!!!!
CooL! Lulu's is great! I loved working with them...so nice. And hey! Didn't you used to be a Texas girl before Miami?? Maybe I'm confused but I thought so for some reason. . .

Rachelle you look gorgeous. Umm I have to say though I think you lost your mind, thinking that no one would want to see your wedding pics. Have you met us? We feen pics like a hooker feens crack.

Jen I can't believe you are getting married in a couple of days. As far as the sparklers go I would also get more so that each of your guests can have one. You can also place them in a heart in the sand and you and FI can sit in them and take a pic. It maybe a nice thank you card. You guys can sit inside and kiss or just sit in inside and look lovingly at each other. *sigh* Can you guys tell I feel romantic?
LOL! Glenda, you crack me up. . .but you're right about the pics...you think I'd never "met" Tammy M before with that comment!! ;-) I guess I just didn't really think about posting them since they're just here in Texas, you know? It's not like the little town of McKinney is popular among those looking for DW sites! lol!

Also, LOVE the idea about taking the pics w/ the sparklers...so cute!!! Would def be a great thank you card image.
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I just got married in April in the Dominican Republic and packed sparklers in my checked luggage and had no problems with them. We had the WP hand them out and light them at the beginning of our first dance and it was beautiful. You can see everyone holding them while we are dancing. We did this as a pre-req for our fireworks, but it would be just as beautiful without them. No one knew we were doing the fireworks, so they had the sparklers in their hands, we were dancing and then BANG! It was awesome. So, no, you won't have any problem taking them through customs as long as they are checked.

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