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Well it's the middle of the night and a very slow night at work so I have been catching up on some remedial forum info. In reading the PSA's I realized how awesome this forum really is. I have slowly been more active and participating more and trying to help answer people's questions. As I have started to do that I have started to make friends (that also filter over to FB) and its really exciting to me to know that there are other girls out there just like me. I love that DWs are not just for rich people.. I love all the frugal ideas and helpful hints... I love that there are so many of us that think the Dominican is just about the closest place to heaven on earth! Most of all I love how welcome everyone makes me feel and I just want to tell everyone thank you.


I am trying to keep up and find info for people. I'd love to pay it forward for all the brides who have helped me so much!


Keep up the good work everyone... If anyone is ever sleepless, I am always up all night and I'm always willing to help:) and my wedding isn't until next october so I'll be around for a while :)


OK enough mushytalk... back to serving the citizens of my great city.

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Glad to hear you're loving the forum!


It really is unique in that there is a great group of girls on here and Tammy and the mods do a wonderful job to keep it running well! It really wouldnt be what it is without them.


Looking forward to hear all about your planning!

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I agree with bobbysgirl. this forum IS uberhelpful. i don't think i'd have even chosen a resort by now if it weren't for all the info here. i love that everything is through the bride/bride-to-be's viewpoint so we know we can rely on it. and all the ideas!!! from parasols to boudoir photographs.. i've learned everything from BDW brides! and i love how supportive everyone here is. there's always a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. :)


Thanks everyone!

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If I didn't have BDW and all you girls I pretty much figure I would be running down my street screaming by this point! It's so nice to know that there is a large group of us that have or will be going through the same things....nobody seems to understand me but all the girls on BDW! I try to talk about a TTD session and people look at me like I'm clueless! All I have to do is come on here and there it is...understanding. You girls ROCK!

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Originally Posted by jennierin View Post
If I didn't have BDW and all you girls I pretty much figure I would be running down my street screaming by this point! I try to talk about a TTD session and people look at me like I'm clueless! All I have to do is come on here and there it is...understanding. You girls ROCK!
LOL Totally agree with you on that one!!! :) I can't tell you how many times I've been asked "Why do you need 2 dresses??"
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I totally agree - I keep telling FI "the girls on the Destination Wedding Forum" and he looks at me like I'm crazy...but really...you are all keeping me so informed and giving me ideas and keeping me sane with me losing my job a few months ago. I love this place!!!

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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
I totally agree - I keep telling FI "the girls on the Destination Wedding Forum" and he looks at me like I'm crazy...but really...you are all keeping me so informed and giving me ideas and keeping me sane with me losing my job a few months ago. I love this place!!!
Me toooo!!!!!! I think that FI must hear about this forum at least 3 times a day; LOL. And the ladies on here also have been keeping me sane through being laid off as well...
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