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Reggie and I are both extremely active people...so a lot of our dates involve outdoory/sporty things. Here are some of them:

- I'm really into yoga, so he came to one of my (easier) classes with me

- Hiking!!! We do a TON of day hikes. Last year we went to this great place that had a 7-mile trail with rock climbing! That one was tons of fun!!!

- Indoor rock gym

- Weekly bike rides - we go to a park nearby with a 10K course around a lake: very beautiful!!!

- He's a breakdancer...he tried to teach me breakdancing HAHA was that funny!!!!

- We just went bowling this past weekend too - with my sister & her boyfriend...it was fun, but call me Aaron cause my score stunk also!!!


We're also talking about signing up for a salsa class, which would be fun!! rolleyes.gif And whitewater rafting, that's in the talks as well (I've done it once, he hasn't yet).

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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
We just did a what Ann mentioned - touristy Seattle stuff. We went to Pike's Place Market, ate lunch, walked to the new sculpture park, took pics. We also try to go camping at least 2 times in the summer. We go hiking a lot.

My fav is dinner out, but during the week. It feels naughty to not do work from home (we are both workaholics) and have a cocktail on on Tuesday! It also helps to break up the work week.
My favorite place to eat in Seattle is the Crab Pot on Pier 57. I make Aaron take me there every time we are in Seattle.
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That sounds like so much fun Courtney.

One thing that we did for a date once was went to the Zoo. OK Im sure that sounds kinda lame, but I had this thing that if a guy would take me to the zoo I would be with him forever (long story, saw a couple at the zoo when i was a kid and said i wanted to do that with a guy)

It was the greatest day! We packed a picnic and took lots of pictures!

I dont know if you have a zoo around you but it really is fun! LOL

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Heidi.... you are one active woman. Seriously, I feel so incredibly lazy compared to you now!! lol. We have considered the rock climbing, which I think would be a blast... and the salsa dancing I would like, but Aaron HATES dancing. I think if he gave it a try he might like it though, good suggestion!!


lol Laura this is a completely random story I'm about to tell (enjoy!) .... yes, we have a zoo, and we went once last year. lol, ok I should start by saying that going to the zoo was NOT my idea... in fact I tried to think of every other idea possible, and yet we still went. It was the first day Aaron's mom was visiting. She lives in Sask. and she traveled 9 hours to come visit us. She called us when she was coming in to Calgary and asked us to meet her at the zoo. Something you should know about Aaron's mom: she's pretty much a tree-hugging hippy. There is nothing wrong with loving animals and wanting to see them free... but if you feel this way - WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO TO THE ZOO?!? lol. So we went, and it was so depressing to go with her. She kept saying "look how sad they are, they don't want to be here... I can't believe people pay money to come see these poor animals".... uhh, like we just did?! Anyways, it was uber depressing and I'm still shocked as to why SHE brought up the idea to go! Maybe I'll try going with just Aaron this time!!! lol Sorry, your story just reminded me of that and I can't resist the urge to tell every story I think of! I completely love his mom, she's so nice... but that was an interesting experience!

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Here is PHilly starting in June the water front does free concerts and we go. Of course the lil man goes (Amir) but we have a great time. We say Isley brothers and Angie Stone for free along with some others Jazz and soulful artist. We bring the picnic basket undercover drinks and some things for Amir to do. It is nice to sit on the water with the sun going down listening to Jazz and RB

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One of our favorite things to do is have a wine & cheese night. We don't make dinner at all, instead, we head to a gourmet grocery store and load up on olives, cheese, crackers/break and wine. We come home, make a huge spread and watch something stupid on TV like Cops or 48 Hours Mystery!


It sounds lame but it's great that something as easy as changing up routine can make an evening enjoyable. Plus, we love each other's company, so we could do nothing at all and still have a blast.

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I love this thread! It's fun to think about dates we've had and enjoyed...but it's also cool to hear what other people do and get some new ideas.


We like going to stuff like Shakespeare in the Park. . .you can bring a picnic, wine whatever and see a play out in the park. It's really fun and romantic...cuddled up on the blanket drinking wine and stuff.


I LOVE meeting him out for a happy hour during the week. It's fun and actually feels kind of like a "real" date. Since we're not at home getting ready together or anything. It's great walking into a bar and seeing him sitting there waiting for me, all dressed in his suit from work. . .Yum! Love it! :-) Sometimes these turn into dinner dates and we end up ordering like 3 appetizers and just eating those for dinner - it's a little silly but fun since it feels so frivilous.


One of our other favorites is going shopping at our favorite grocery store together, buying yummy food to cook for dinner, picking out a new bottle of wine and taking it all home - just having a night in, hanging out, cooking together etc. I'll even kind of dress up a bit for our dinner, set the table with our china, light candles and do all that. It's great, we always have so much fun doing that.

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