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Super Date Ideas


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Aaron and I try to have a date night once a week. I honestly think it's one of the things that keeps our relationship at it's strongest. We also live with my parents and brother, so a night out every week is time to ourselves. This weekend was SO fun. On Saturday we went bowling, which I haven't done since we were kids and it was a blast. I'd just like to announce that I out-bowled Aaron with a score of 206 to his sad 43! haha, good times. Anyways, then on Saturday night we decided we'd watch a stink load of movies on video on demand and we made a contest out of it - whoever got out of their chair first lost! The winner got $50! I'd also like to say that I won this as well! lol. It sounds totally lame, but it was SO much fun. We watched so many movies, and we each had a lazyboy chair. We surrounded ourselves with enough food and beverages and watched movies until 3am.


This weekend we're going to a rock climbing place, since its something we haven't tried before. But I was wondering if anyone else had some different ideas for dates? Or share something that you've done before that wasn't the traditional dinner and a movie...



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i know somethig i don't do enough is take advantage of the local "touristy" things. and i don't mean the Mall of America! typically when you live somewhere, you take those things for granted. for example, MN has a ton of great rivers, lakes, waterfalls, etc. that i've never seen! i'd love to find out a list of "top 10" things to do in MN and actually do them. is your area known for anything?


paul and i took my dad on a river tour of chicago - and paul was surprised how much fun he had, and how much he learned about the town he was raised in. it ended up being a blast!


also, what about camping?

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We do once a month because of our son finding a babysitter is not the easiest of things to do. We do the bowling which i never win I like the window shopping on the popular spots. For Philly it is cheesy but famous South St. Or we pick a resturant that we have never been to but would like to try.

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Originally Posted by akh View Post
is your area known for anything?
lol... the Calgary Stampede, which is like the BIGGEST hillbilly fest ever! lol. Plus it's super overpriced! But we are super lucky because the Rocky Mountains are literally an hours drive away, and they are stunning! I guess we could always take a day trip out there.

I'm also anti-camping... too many painful experiences lol. Like, being in an "Outdoor Ed" class in Jr. High and going camping in the WINTER!! Seriously, who does that?! I've been scarred for life.
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Thats cute! I am glad to hear your weekend is going well. I love the movie marathon idea, my DH(OMG first time usage on that arcronym) nevermind I mean jared would love watching movies until 3 am. I on the other hand aren't the greatest movie watcher. for instance right now we are watching pirates of the carribian 2 and I'm on the forum, not paying attention to the movie cheesy.gif


I can't think of any good date ideas. i always like going out for dinner. or what about going to a corn maze now that the summer is here? Me and jared had a blast when we did that last summer.


Oh yes and I totally agree with the date nights!

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Originally Posted by mgreen View Post
what about going to a corn maze now that the summer is here? Me and jared had a blast when we did that last summer.
OMG, the corn maze is amazing!! My mom and I went a few years ago (I know, not a date - but still fun!) and we got horribly lost. We were in there for hours and hours haha... people kept coming by to ask if we needed help out, but we were determined to finish ourselves!!! Good idea, I'll have to drag Aaron out to the corn field maze!
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We just did a what Ann mentioned - touristy Seattle stuff. We went to Pike's Place Market, ate lunch, walked to the new sculpture park, took pics. We also try to go camping at least 2 times in the summer. We go hiking a lot.


My fav is dinner out, but during the week. It feels naughty to not do work from home (we are both workaholics) and have a cocktail on on Tuesday! It also helps to break up the work week.

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Yay, we are faithful date-nighters too! Occasionally we go out for fabulous dinners but mostly we keep it simple also. We bbq, watch movies at home, have bonfires on the beach, go to Dodger games, rent pedal boats, visit museums, etc. It's all easy, close, and inexpensive.


There is a park we've loved since we started dating. We hike up to the top of the hills where there is a killer view of L.A. and picnic. It always grounds us to go somewhere we frequented when our love was new and we had nothing. Do you guys have a place that is special to you like that?

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Originally Posted by mgreen View Post
for instance right now we are watching pirates of the carribian 2 and I'm on the forum, not paying attention to the movie cheesy.gif
Hahahaha, that totally sounds like me - and Martin too! He has his "Car boards" and I have these boards. Usually one of us is on the comp even while we're both in the same room watching the same movie or tv show. For instance, right now we're supposed to be watching Frasier but I'm on here LOL

Annnnyways, date nights. HMMM
Well, tonight Martin and I went out to this place called "Chocolate Secrets". It's a gourmet chocolate/wine bar. It was just ok though. We ended up taking off and going to our fav pizza place in town (Coalvines for those Dallas-ites on here) and a couple friends and my dad ended up joining us which was actually really nice cause I have missed being around ppl lately!

Other ideas:
Art Galleries/Openings
Spur of the moment trips
Wine Tastings
Picnic at the lake/park
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