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how to ask or suggest for only money as a wedding gift

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so my FI and i live together and we dont need anythign as far as gifts....i would liek to put somethign on the invite that says somethign like no box gifts, but also only cash lol and of course that sounds horrible...but i do not want one of those websites because i know most of my guests wont know how to use it or bother with it. i would like to say somthign like your presence is present enough, but if you like you can make a donation towards our honeymoon.

can anyone help??

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I have never ever ever heard of a couth way of saying "no gifts, but money is cool''.... either you want gifts or not... cut and dry. I suggest registering somewhere b/c not everyone is comfortable with cutting cheques!


The suggestion to have a honeymoon registry is an awesome alternative... there was a recent post by Tammy regarding the same thing... I'll see if I can find it!

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i understand this feeling.my fiance and i have lived together for 4yrs and are lucky to have everything we want in our house.we are putting a card in with our invites for our ahr (as we are only having 2 friends with us for our wedding) with some kind of nice poem explaining that we do not need gifts but if they want to they can give cash.i know this sounds harsh but i look at it also as i do not want friends/family wasting money on things we do not need.if you google money poems you will find lots.i have attached 1 site for you.


MONEY POEMS! :: You & Your Wedding

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Originally Posted by shellk View Post
Thanks for posting that. I like this one:

More than just kisses so far weâ€ve shared,
Our home has been made with love and care,
Most things we need weâ€ve already got,
And in out home we canâ€t fit a lot!
A wishing well we thought would be great,
(But only if you wish to participate),
A gift of money is placed in the well,
Then make a wish but shhh donâ€t tell!
Once weâ€ve replaced the old with the new,
We can look back and say it was thanks to you!
And in return for your kindness, weâ€re sure,
That one day soon you will get what you wished for.
Please donâ€t be offended at this type of request,
As our day is complete having you as our guest.
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Don't do it girl!!


I am sorry but I need to be the ettiquette police -- terribly tacky.



Also, consider things that people may already have a gift for you in mind. One of my dear friends who is an amazing quilter gave us the most gorgeous quilt, and although a quilt is not something I would choose for myself (my home is quite contemporary), I am honoured that she made it for us, and have it proudly on display in my home - she stylized it in such a way that a quilt (normally country in genre) was contemporary.

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To be completely honest, a lot of people including Fi & I are in the same boat. We don't need anything; in fact, we already have two of everything from when we moved in together two years ago. I can understand where you are coming from in not wanting gifts because there is nothing you "need"... but in some guests minds they feel the need to give you a gift whether it be monetary or otherwise.


I agree with Amarillis that I just can't fathom asking for money. In our case, we just said "Your presence is present enough!". That's all that was needed to be said; if a guest chooses to buy us gifts or give us money then that is up to them AND we will appreciate whatever they give us or do not give us.


As Kristy! said, there are tons of threads on this ... I highly suggest doing a search to see what other brides are doing; there must be a more creative solution than asking for money that will work for you.


Good Luck!!

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