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Anyone else marrying/married to a workaholic?


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My FI is obsessed with work! I know it's beter than him being super lazy and unable to hold a job, but wow can it get annoying. One time when we were on vacation in Vegas, I stole his Blackberry and locked it in the safe with a new code so he couldn't get it. He's such a hard worker, but his job doesn't compensate him nearly enough for all he does. (I used to work with him before we were dating, so I can say this without being biased.) At least in St. Lucia there's no call phone signal, but when we get to Punta Cana, I will totally freak out if he starts answering e-mails.


Anyone else with a guy who is all about his job?

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My man was a workaholic in a different was his job required him to work months strate with no days off,and long hours and when he would get a few off he would get called for a job. But he usuly got 2-4 weeks of in March or April. When we got engaged he was offered a new job with less stress and more days off, but lower pay. He took that job, we seen tomany of the guys he works with miss there life and many getting devorces because of there jobs. Even if he did not quit we would of made it work, I have lived with it for 4 years, and have been in and around this field of work my whole life in one way or another.


I went to many family things alone, it was almost like I was making him up. Now he can join me.

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UUGHHH don't even get me started. My situation is a bit different, but comparable IMO. My FI works construction, so when there is work available he will work 7 days a week. It drives me crazy! Last year he didn't even take vacation with me and it isn't looking good for this year either. I wanted to take 2 weeks for our wedding in November and he is refusing! I have really been on his case lately saying that I'm afraid he's going to wake up one day and wonder where the hell the time went. I want him to enjoy the "NOW" rather than worry so much about the future. I mean, the future is important and everything, but not if you never get to enjoy life, KWIM? Anyways, with the recession and everything, work has slowed down for him so he is down to 3 days a week. But when he's home he worries about the financial aspects of things (and trust me, we're fine). I can never win...lol.

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UGHH I totally feel you!!! Mine is constantly on his laptop working - even if we are on vacation. I made him swear not to bring his computer down to Mexico with us on our wedding/honeymoon and he said he wouldn't.


I know it totally sucks at times - but then I see some of my girlfriends and how lazy their husbands are -and I truly realize how lucky I am that FI is working so hard for us even though it bugs me so much sometimes

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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
UGHH I totally feel you!!! Mine is constantly on his laptop working - even if we are on vacation. I made him swear not to bring his computer down to Mexico with us on our wedding/honeymoon and he said he wouldn't.
OMG yes! My hubby does this when we take summer holidays! He just can't leave the office alone because he's worried everyone will screw everything up while he's away lol. It can be totally annoying.
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Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
OMG yes! My hubby does this when we take summer holidays! He just can't leave the office alone because he's worried everyone will screw everything up while he's away lol. It can be totally annoying.
This describes FI perfectly. So glad others understand.
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Situation reversed in our case: I am the workaholic! Bring home work in the evenings and need to do at least 4-6 hours every weekend. Answer all emails, any time of day. BUT, I will be leaving my blackberry behind when we leave on June 20th. I need a real holiday and I am the first to recognize this!

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I'm actually on the other side of this. I'm the workaholic and FI has to deal with me! I'm totally guilty of checking my work email while on vacation. But I just keep trying to remind myself that no matter how much work I get done today, there will still be more tomorrow.


So don't be too hard on your guys. They're probably just working so hard so you can have a fabulous life together. But it doesn't hurt to remind them that there will always be more work tomorrow!

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