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My fiancee Jamie and I have worked together as bartenders in an Irish pub for 2 years. When we met we were both dating other people but shortly after found ourselves single. Someone that we worked with told Jamie that I was dating someone else, so he decided that wasn't how it was going to be. He came to a going away party that was being thrown for a staff member and told me I couldn't do it, that he liked me. I wasn't actually dating anyone else, it was just a rumour so it worked out perfectly since I had liked him as well. We've been together ever since. The day he proposed was 5 days before my birthday, so he took me to a spa for the whole day before heading home and picking up our 1 year old golden lab and heading to his families cottage. When we arrived there was a gigantic bouquet of gerber daisies waiting for me and an ice cream cake (my favourite), Jamie cooked an amazing dinner on the bbq and afterwards asked if I had noticed how many gerbers there were, there were so many I had to count a few times, and finally came up with 30. 30 I thought, but I'm only 25, so I asked why 30? he replied "one for every year I've been waiting for you". He pulls out the ring and I couldn't even speak, I was so happy/excited/surprised, feelings I'm sure most of you know. It turns out he had been planning for weeks, he secretly drove to my parents house 2 hours away to ask for permission before driving to my brothers house back in our home town and asking his permission as well. My brother and I are really close and he will be giving me away. Everyone at work also knew and had been keeping it from me. We spent the night on the phone telling everyone before enjoying the perfect night at the cottage. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

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Oh wow! he really did put a lot of thought and planning into that didn't he? And the 30 roses, SO cute! Awesome story!

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