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Forecast: Lots of Showers - 2 this weekend!

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So I had 2 showers this past weekend (don't tell my male co-worker who through the first one that it was a shower - he doesn't agree wink.gif).


The first "shower" was a Stock the Bar Co-Ed party. Quite a few of my co-workers, my parents, FI's parents and my sister came. My co-worker's wife decorated the house and had a great line-up of sushi, brownies, chips and salsa, cheese and crackers and the best Stoli Dolis wink.gif (these are pineapples soaked in Stoli for 9 days and then served chilled - yes...dangerous). I don't have any pictures yet - but I will add them if I do get some :) Lets just say our dry bar is no longer empty!!


The second shower was thrown by my best girlfriends. They kicked me out of my house at 9am (my sister took me to breakfast and for a manicure) and I came back at 1pm to find my backyard turned into a tropical getaway. They made yummy turkey burgers, mac n cheese, baked beans, key lime cupcakes, coconut cake, pina coladas and cheerwine punch (I'm sure there aren't too many people that know what Cheerwine is - it is mostly a NC/SC thing wink.gif


So here are some pics (PS This is the backyard of our new house wink.gif)

Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.


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