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Ottawa citizen article re: canceled Mexican wedding


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OH HEATHER THAT'S GREAT! Did you just stumble on this site or did someone tell you we were all up in arms about the replies on your article? You must be so relieved, good for you. I hope all Mexico brides have the same good fortune. Yes, please do tell which golf club as I'm a local Ottawa gal too and will spread the word and give them some business. :)

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Originally Posted by Heather Huggins View Post
Hello all you lovely brides,
I just wanted to say thank you for your support it literally lifted my spirits so much. The article that was written about my fiancee and I was in hopes that others would see that they weren't alone. We figured there must be a ton of other couples, families and friends in the same predicament and maybe people could help eachother. As it turns out there are more cynics out there than I thought. However, a wedding must go on right?
Jamie and I received an offer from a local golf and country club who wanted to help us out and throw our wedding, since some of our friends including some of our bridal parties had to use their vacations, and the fact that we didn't book our wedding through the resort so we couldn't just go somewhere else, we decided it was a great idea. We are looking at a May 20th wedding date and we are so excited!
Sometimes even when the cards aren't in your favour, things turn out the way they were meant to be.
Wow! Thanks so much for coming over to BDW to let us know how you are doing! I'm so glad everything is going to work out for you and your FI after all. You must be so excited/happy! It's really unfortunate that there are so many cynics out there, I agree. Of course, it's easy to pass judgement on others when they've never been through this. I'm glad you're taking it with a grain of salt. I'll be wishing you a terrific wedding day on May 20!! Congrats again! smile29.gif
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wow heather! small world, huh girls?


so happy that it sounds like you guys are back on track and planning a totally different but just as special wedding :) congrats!!

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Best wishes to you both! I hope everything works out for you to have a beautiful wedding! I posted a reply on that article because I just couldn't believe how incredibly rude and insensitive some of those people are! They are probably just jealous because their wedding sucked and their with an attitude like that, wouldn't be suprised if their marriage sucked too.. or they are bitter and single...

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