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I have only one...3 lillies with a couple vines on the top of my foot. It took me 3 years to get it (about 4 years ago) but I wanted to make sure that I would still love it in years to come. The only place I wanted one was on my foot...and I am still super happy with it. It didnt' even hurt...which I was surprised since I hate needles!

I went with lillies b/c they are my favorite flowers...definently get something that means something to you! Or you might hate it later. :)

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Ahh I unfortunately have no pics of it...(little to low for regular picture taking) but I have a red & white butterfly on the front of my right hip! Myself and 3 of my girlfriends all got them (we all got different colours but the same butterfly outline) when we graduated and absolutely love it! It hurt alot going over the hip bone but other than that I love it! But they are addicting...I am constantly wanting to get another one but my hubbie really doesn't want me too and luckly for him I haven't been able to find the exact one I want yet (I know its gonna be a daisy but haven't seen one I really really like!)

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I have two....one on the right side of my lower back....not quite a "tramp stamp"....more like an off-center target....hahahaha! Anyway, that one is a Shamrock with the chinese symbol for "good luck" in it. I got it in South Beach my junior year of college on Spring Break (Sober, I swear!!!) I LOVE it....my Dad's family is Irish and most of my aunts and cousins have shamrocks, so its a family thing. My second one is a butterfly and its on my foot, similar location to Nicole's star but further back (under my ankle bone). I got that one soon after my grandmother died. She talked alot about butterflies right before she died, so in memory of her, my mom, my sister, my aunt and I all got butterfly tattoos. I'm itching for a third one, BAD!!! I think I may get the astrological symbol for Leo. I love astrology and thats my sign. Its also Matt's sign, so its symbolic of us, without it being his name..... I am totally opposed to having anyones name on my body unless it is my child....and even then..... hahahaha!!!!

Tammy.....I'm not sure how big your dogs are, but my sister has a Doxie, and she is getting his pawprint tattooed on her......I was going to get Remy and Dakota's pawprints but since they are both Pitbull mixes, that would take up WAY to much room.....hahahaha!!!! Okay, I'm done rambling.....thanks for listening :)

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I got a tattoo last year for my 27th birthday. It has taken me that long to figure out what to get. I had someone design it for me, it is a heart with a bunch of artistic design around it. Hard to explain, i will just have to post a pic. It was supoose to be small on top of my foot, but when the guy drew it out he did it small and a larger version and I decided to go big. It hurt but thats because there is like NO fat on top of my foot, just skin and bone. My FI does have one yet, he cant decide what he wants either.

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