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We canceled our wedding...

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I'm so sorry your having to cancel ... crybaby2.gif If you do end up in Vegas, another option to some of the off-strip hotels is the Grand Canyon. It's not the beach, but equally exquisite as a back drop for your special day. Just a thought - that was my plan for a stateside wedding if we hadn't decided to elope. Whatever you decide, I'm sure your wedding will be wonderful. Best of luck!

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I feel so bad for you.. This is all so silly though if you ask me - it is the flu, we have all had the flu probably multiple times and are fine...The flu killed ppl in Mexico city b/c they didn't have access to healthcare and it is an overcrowded city... yes, the flu can kill people but you are at risk of it every winter and people don't lock themselves in the house all winter b/c they might get the flu... I am so sorry all of this media hype and nonsense has ruined your wedding.. I know nothing I can say can make this better, but at least you can still find someway to get married and will have a great husband... yes the wedding is important, but it's only the start to the rest of your life.. so try to focus on that..

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Im so sorry to hear this - but you can never be too safe!! - If you do plan to go to Vegas check out the Red Rock Resort and Casino - it is off the stip and a very nice resort has everything you need right there -


I do hope that you can find some sort of silver lining in all of this - Hey you are still going to be with the man you love - so that is a start!!

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SO sorry to hear that probably your WORST FEARS (something going wrong with the wedding you've work so hard to plan to perfection) have come true!


My heart breaks for you and all of the other Mexico brides that are going through this horrendous mess...wishing you all the very best with picking up the pieces, sweetheart!

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I am supposed to get married on June 12, and I understand what thoughts must have went through your head. People just do not understand that every decision you made about your wedding from the flowers to the location to your hair took months of research, and now you have to throw it all away and start over, you probably slaved over every decision and made sure everything was as perfect as it could be for your guests. Just remember that when the day comes for you to be married, it will be even better and feel even sweeter knowing what you had to go through to get there.. Stay strong and just breathe..One day at a time. You will find a solution you are happy with. Vegas is beautiful and has amazing resorts wil georgious pools and spas. I wish you the very best and we are all thinking about you.

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I am so sorry..... I know that there aren't any words that will help solve this problem, but I just wanted to say that my heart sincerely goes out to you and all of the other brides that are experiencing this devastation. Just know that we're all here to listen any time you need us smile03.gif

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