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Strangers to my wedding????


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Ohhh I feel your pain-Im in the same boat!

People need to understand, there is something called a "guest list" for a reason! The whole point in a DW I think, is intimacy, and privacy--having only those you know and care about around you--I thought I would be able to avoid wedding crashers...but I have not-I have people going down that I despise-I would never want to sit in a club with them, never mind have them at my wedding-or go to the same resort as them,...but *sigh* Im suckin it up...lol......


Having said all that, I did tell my family that if there was anyone they wanted to ask-they could....I also said this to a few close friends of mine the same thing--it made it cheaper on them too if they were going down as "singles" I thought it was the least I could do seen as they were spending 2 grand to come along.......However--it was something we offered, and only to particular people--now Im hearing tell of friends of friends friends tagging along-...


You could mention price--we're having a private reception where I have topay 55 bucks a person--that gets costly.....drop hints around them, or to the people that invited them, making yourself clear that these others are NOT invited to your wedding--you cant control who goes to the resort, but you can your wedding.........

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Originally Posted by Marie View Post
You could mention price--we're having a private reception where I have topay 55 bucks a person--that gets costly.....drop hints around them, or to the people that invited them, making yourself clear that these others are NOT invited to your wedding--you cant control who goes to the resort, but you can your wedding.........
I would do way more than drop hints. I would tell them straight out that I cannot accommodate any extra guests due to the costs involved, so please let the extra invitees that unfortunately, the guest list is very restricted and they cannot come. It blows me away to see how ridiculously rude some people can be. I won't answer them back rudely, but in plain english - it ain't happenin!
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I would definitely be upset, extra cost or no cost, due to the fact that it's rude for them to just invite extra people that YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! I realize that it's a public place to begin with, but you would at least want to know everyone in YOUR GROUP. There's not much you can do about it now since they're already invited, but I would definitely want to make it clear that you don't want them at the ceremony or reception.

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Well I'm having a similar situation. My FI's brother is bringing two of his friends, which FI & I have never met. At the beginning I was totally against it, because it involves $$... But to tell you truth, now I don't even care. It's a great opportunity for us to get to know them and to have a good time together. I actually feel flattered that someone that doesn't even know us is taking the time and money to go to our wedding!


With that said... that's just my point of view, please remember that it's your wedding and you should do what will make you and your honey happy!


BTW I think there is another thread about this... maybe you can find more advice there as well... Do a search and let us know what you decide.


Happy planning!


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I completely understand.. Something somewhat similar happened to me... one of the groomsmen decided it'd be ok to invite his cousins without even asking me, and I actually found out from my travel agent... What a shock that was. Everyone has been telling me, the rules don't apply for a destination wedding, and anyone can come.. which is a load of crap.. Honestly, this is the most important day of your life, and you should be happy, and if this situation doesn't make you happy, then don't settle. Your FI's brother shouldn't have done that, you guys should talk to him. Hope it all works out though!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sounds like he wants to turn it into a pseudo-Spring Break by inviting friends along. Can't they go on vacation together some other time when it's not your wedding? If it were me, I would tell them sorry but they're not invited.

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Hi everyone,


Thank you so much for your understanding. I took blushingbride advice and put my foot down. I just told him that if his friends wanted to come, there was no problem but to remember that they wouldn't be included on my guest list and therefore would't get the same price we all have. The problem is resoved, they won't come.


P.S.: Sorry that it took me so long to respond to all of you... I had some computer problems. Again, thank you all, it really help me.

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