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Wedding Vent!!!!


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Just called my mom and she says that we should just wait till we get a reponse from in house coordinator about the prices if we use the restaurant menus instead of wedding package menus that they have (in house coordinator suggested this)

So if price is way over her budget then I'm going to call FMIL and tell her that either she pays for half of guest at wedding and my mom pays for the our half or we go back to just 20 on FMIL side and 20 on my side.


so I have to wait till after this weekend.

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I think finding the prices sounds like a great idea. Not only will you be able to tell the FMIL that she has to pay, but you can tell her WHAT she has to pay. A lot of times people are fully willing to pay... until they see how big the bill actually is. Don't forget to charge her for invitation costs too. Those can add up quickly.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
I think finding the prices sounds like a great idea. Not only will you be able to tell the FMIL that she has to pay, but you can tell her WHAT she has to pay. A lot of times people are fully willing to pay... until they see how big the bill actually is. Don't forget to charge her for invitation costs too. Those can add up quickly.
Yeah I'm going to charge her for invitations and food. Will see what happens....
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Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
at this point, I would say elope in Cabo in July.
I was thinking the same thing as Tasha.

I hate to sound like a bitch, but I can tell you that when it comes time for Erik's mom to pay for all of her "extras" it going to cause a big ass issue...this will be an ongoing battle. Stand up for yourself now. Enough with the change of plans - seriously.
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Oh Drea your FMIL is insatiable! I feel nothing is ever going to make her happy. And you are so cute, I can tell you love your FI and don't care if you get married in the back of a pickup truck as long as you marry the love of your life. I don't understand why this woman is making things so difficult for you. You have been more than accomodating giving up your original plans for Mexico and willing to cut your list. I don't even know what to say at this point, except that I'm here for you and I hope everything works out.



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I agree with everyone. Make her pay.. People talk alot when they dont have to put up... (I have had a bad day sorry) but tell her put up or shut up. I think she got to Erik too. He is too quiet. Is he always quiet when it comes to his mother?

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I think you should talk to Erik, you shouldn't be the one talking to his mother!!! It's his mom, he should deal with her. I think the reason she's acting that way is because she scared of loosing him to a better woman then she is!!!! Some mamma's are that way. You should definitely stand up to her now, if you don't she will continue to be this way towards you.


I am so sorry she is acting this way, since its supposed to be what you two want, not her.

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