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Any other JA brides being bombarded...

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...by guests worried about the Swine Fluhuh.gif I have been getting calls the past 2 days from people asking what our plans are. Well, my plans are to get on a plane to Jamaica in 7 days and enjoy myself and then get married in 10 days!! There have been no cases of the flu in Jamaica. Many of our guests are going out of NYC, but even so, if you are in the US, wouldn't you be more likely to get it here vs JA??


My mom made me call the Dr. today and ask for Tamiflu "just incase." The Dr. said no because if I take it without really needing it, and then I really get it (if this thing sticks around), then I might face immunity.


Really, this is not something I want to have to deal with a week before we leave! I feel so bad for the MX brides :-(

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Wow, I guess I can see why they'd be concerend but I agree with you that they'd be at just as much risk of getting it if they stayed in the US. Do you have a website that you could update to ease their minds? Maybe just pop them a little note with some statistics about the virus. Maybe let them know what your doctor said, etc. Sorry I can't be of more help! I hope everything goes off without a hitch!


Good luck!

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