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ROR Brides - if you could do it all again

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For thos who are now married (congrats!!!!), and those still in the planning stages, but who are booked with ROR.


If you could do it all over again:


- would you have chosen the same resort?

- would you have done anything differently at your wedding?

- any splurges that were worth it/not worth it, or that you wished you had had?



Thanks, and congratulations to everybody!! I know it can be stressful, but it's so exciting too!

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I would completely do a destination wedding again, it was perfect. In the planning stages you get so worked up about who is coming and who is not, but once you get there it does not matter! I would definately go back to the same resort. the wedding coordinators are great. If I had to do it over I might have brought fake flowers ONLY because I had a mix up with mine, but many people do not. I think Lee's tours is a spluge I would do again makes transfer so much easier and they are great. I also spluged on OOT gifts (travel mugs) and they were a hit everyone loved them!! Also we went with poolside reception (private) $55/person sooooooooooooo worth it! Trust me you wont have any regrets doing an DW I have had sooo many of my guests tell me it was the best wedding they went to and the most beautiful!

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I would forsure do it again. We had a blast.

I would pick the same resort as the staff really made our vacation fun.

If I could change anything, it really would of been to not be soo nervous about everything and enjoy my first week a little bit more. I think the amount of money we spent on photography was crazy and wish we hadn't of chosen soo many pictures. I would of also done a short rehersal before the wedding as well.

The party on the beach looked fun afterwards too!!

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I would do it again for sure! I loved the resort. It's a perfect destination wedding resort! If I were to change anything though, i would have hired a professional photographer rather than having my uncle (who is a professional photographer) do our photography. He missed out on so many special moments and the pictures turned out really crappy and i can't really get mad because he did it for free. I would also be more forceful with chandlyn and nikesha, i feel like they neglected us big time because we were fairly laid back and easy going.

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I would do almost everything over- I had an amazing time at the resort and the wedding was awesome! One thing I did that I highly recommend is (if possible) to stay a second week! I felt like I spent my first week worrying about the wedding, trying to spend time with all the guests, and rushing around! I would have felt like I didn't have a vacation if we hadn't had the second week to enjoy the resort and the country.

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I would definately do it all over again, If I could, ( wish it was possible :-( ..

I wouldnt pick a different resort, the ROR, is Awsome! Sooo big, you wont get bored!

The things I would change, well... we were there for 21 days, I wouldve stayed for 42 days..But I dont think my boss will agree on that LOL. The only last minute desision we made was going for the white chair covers with sashes. It looked great! Esspecially on the pictures. The original chairs are BUTT ugly! So I would recomend these...

I hope you will have a great time, relax and try to go with the Jamaican flow, it dropped my stress level to freezing point.... ;-)

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Originally Posted by jamaica2009bride View Post
I would do almost everything over- I had an amazing time at the resort and the wedding was awesome! One thing I did that I highly recommend is (if possible) to stay a second week! I felt like I spent my first week worrying about the wedding, trying to spend time with all the guests, and rushing around! I would have felt like I didn't have a vacation if we hadn't had the second week to enjoy the resort and the country.
This is soo totally true. You are hyped right up with emotion the first week and also trying to spend time with everyone.
The second week is much more relaxed and have you time for yourself.
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