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In response to crappy weather, I was in a car accident last week - BLACK ICE


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After seeing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41565


I thought I'd share with you my experiences of last Wednesday April 22.... I know I should have vented earlier, but I haven't been able to talk about it.


It was raining and crummy out, but not cold enough to freeze. As I was driving home around 5:30 as I accelerated out of a small Northern Ontario town - in the time it takes to blink.... the roads were covered in hail... yes hail. The road was white and all ice underneath. While headed down hill toward a bridge and river, my Jetta spun out, and after at least two complete spins, I ended up on the right side of the road, backwards, a top of a collection of very sharp black rocks.


My back tires were blown out, and all the underside of the car is damaged. Immeadiately I grabbed my cellphone to call DH. I don't know why... luckily two men pulled over and came to the rescue and called 911.


I thought I was going to have a heartattack. It was truly the scariest moment of my life. I thought I was headed for the river. Worst of all, earlier that day I had went to the provincial offices and had my health card information updated with my new last name. At the same time I signed my organ donor card.


While sitting in the police car waiting for DH to get there... I laughed out loud. When the policeman asked what was so funny I told him that earlier that day, I'd signed my donor card.... BUT I DIDN'T MEAN TODAY!


I guess that was the bright side of things. Along with the fact that I drive a fantastically safe car - I walked away without a scratch....


Now I have to deal with the insurance co..... doh.gif

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Originally Posted by CaboBride2010 View Post
Oh no I am glad you are safe!! And the donor card thing made me laugh :)
The donor card thing made the police man laugh out loud too... especially since i was sitting there crying, and then laughing....

I guess it is about finding the bright side!
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Holy crap! I would have BAWLED if that was me. First because I was scared, then because I'd realize how much I'd have to pay to fix the car lol And I definitely would have laughed about the organ donor thing too, you're not alone.


I'm glad to hear you're alright though :) Someone was definitely looking out for you that day!

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