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90% of my guests have cancelled

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Sorry to hear about your wedding! I can't imagine being in your shoes right now. But we need to remember that the World Health Organization has been predicting a flu pandemic for years now and this is serious business! Our world is so small now with airflight available to 90% of the population-it takes no time at all for illnesses to leap from continent to continent. Being in healthcare I see daily what simple viruses like gastro, rhinovirus, RSV, influenza can do to the young and the infirm- it's not worth the risk people! This will blow over and the world will have learned from it, my thoughts are with you.

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I feel so bad for you. You know the old saying make lemonade out of lemons. I really think that's what you should try to do. Since everyone already has pre paid airfare and hotel, why not plan another event? You can do it 1 yr from now with basically the same set up. You can renew your vows, celebrate one wonderful year of marriage and still let your friends and family see you in your wedding dress.


I know that none of that will make you feel better right now but at least you can keep it in mind while you are in Mexico, especially if you are not able to get a refund for some of the things that you have already paid for.


My thoughts and prayers are with you.....



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I am very sorry about the situation and I know it really sucks. But a rough start at the beginning can make the rest of the journey a smooth sail with your hubby. :)


Remember we are all here to support each other and YOU have been in our thoughts.

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This is your day and I really hope everyone could make it


You should have your wedding of your dreams, I know is a hard decision to make, you can go on with your plans and have a nice wedding tomorrow with your closest friends and family and enjoy the fact that you are celebrating your marriage with the man of your life, or talk to your WC to see if you can postpone it so your other friends and family can make it in a later date, and you will having be having your wedding how you planned it.


Cheer up!! I would like to have a solution for you to make you feel better

Don't let anything to make you feel sad about this, I know is hard, but you will have your wedding!! whatever you decide I know you will have a beautiful wedding!!

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I know it's terrible now, and my heart is breaking for you, but one day this might make a funny story. I think the worst thing that could happen would be if everyone DID come and then they all got sick. I know that's highly unlikely, but like you said, you can't force people to come if they're uncomfortable.


If you do end up cancelling, please make sure that you and FI still do something special - just the two of you. I'm so sad that you've been crying so much. No girl should feel like that before her wedding. So, try to dust yourself off and enjoy the things you DO have control over. Like how much fun you and FI can have while you're down there with just the two of you. And how empty the beach will be. And how many margaritas you can drink. And how much time you can spend at the spa. Try to make the most of it.


I AM SO, SO, SO SORRY. It's amazing how sometimes life just doesn't want to be planned and how little, really, we have control over. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way, and I hope something works out for you, and most importantly that you and FI have a wonderful, romantic trip whether you're alone or not!


BIG HUGS! smile03.gif

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