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She had some Nerve!!!

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My BFF and I was talking on the phone yesterday...she said to me you only have 3 months left until ur wedding. I was like yeah, her response was "I don't understand aren't u happy" I was like what the hell is that suppose to mean? She said "I mean u only have 3 months left and u should be overly excited I mean I would be"..WTH do I have to act a certain Way? Im so excited to get married, but I'm not the happy go lucky person either...she kinda got offended when I said "I don't have to act a certain way...during the whole planning process she's been throwing her ideas in there saying u should do this or that and saying I dont like that...I mean this is my wedding not hers..and I told her that...some people have some nerve...

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My BFF and I was talking on the phone yesterday...she said to me you only have 3 months left until ur wedding. I was like yeah, her response was "I don't understand aren't u happy" I was like what the hell is that suppose to mean? She said "I mean u only have 3 months left and u should be overly excited I mean I would be"..WTH do I have to act a certain Way? Im so excited to get married, but I'm not the happy go lucky person either...she kinda got offended when I said "I don't have to act a certain way...during the whole planning process she's been throwing her ideas in there saying u should do this or that and saying I dont like that...I mean this is my wedding not hers..and I told her that...some people have some nerve...

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I had a similar situation with my BFF. When I got engaged I was happy but it's not like i cried or anything (I'm just not that emotional of a person) but when i called her she screamed and cried and was like oh my god oh my god tell me everything Don't leave a second out. She's always like Jessie you're getting married isn't that so awesome i'm like yeah... and then she's like you're supposed to be super excited when you're engaged is everything alright. I said yeah I'm excited but I don't need to be crazy. I have the biggest feeling when she gets engaged she's going to be Bridezilla. I love her to death, but she takes emotion to the extreme. So I feel for you hun, there's just people out there who don't understand rational people who are excited but don't need to jump on couches.

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I'm exactly the same lol in fact I'm probably much worse lol some of my friends aren't able to mention the word "wedding" for fear of being punched lol


I know i'm in the minority but I just want it over I really can't be arsed and would rather be shot than spend 2 weeks with FMIL so I reckon for me to do it means I love him and people should be happy with that lmao

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