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I just wanted to know if anyone out there had any clever ideas of a wedding tradition other than garter belts and "sand ceremonies". I just can't piture myself doing either of these. I know the old adage "something borrowed, something blue..." but there's got to be other options to get that "heritage" feel to my wedding without the cheesiness.

Congrats ladies!!!!

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since you are getting married in mexico you could maybe incorporate some mexican traditions like el lazo or 13 coins? if none of your guests have been to a mexican wedding those old traditions will seem unique. then again, i don't know ... one girl's "EWWWcheesy" is another's "OMGhavetohaveit!"


you can personalize your wedding with anything that's meaningful to you. choose songs you love, choose readings that have meaning to you, etc.


what is your (or FI's) family heritage? there may be old traditions associated with your own heritage that you may not already be familiar with. do some research and you might be surprised!

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I really think you should not come to a forum where several people wore garter belts and had sand ceremonies, myself included and say its cheesie!!!!


If you want anyone on this forum to help you out, you should not say that the things most of us did are cheesie, I know I won't be helping you out and I also know I am not the only one.


To say its not for you, that is fine, we are all different and like different things, but to say its cheesie, that is another thing altogether, in fact that is just being bitchy and snotty. Just an FYI!

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I have to agree. I took offense to this post as well, being that I did the sand ceremony rather then do a unity candle. Our guests had never seen anything like it before and thought it was a really thoughtful inclusion in our ceremony.


This forum is a place for many brides who like lots of the same things, but also lots of different things, to come and plan a wedding. It's a very supportive place to be, but you have to be careful what you say or how you say it. I choose not to do things in my ceremony as well, but I am careful not to say something is stupid b/c there may be someone else who loves that idea. And just b/c I don't like it doesn't give me the right to be judgmental of what someone else chooses to do. Please be more careful in your working in the future and good luck with whatever you chose.

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The different ceremonies and garter belt thing weren't for me either, but neither were any of the other "traditional" wedding things, including the "something borrowed, something blue..." I just did what I wanted to make our ceremony special and unique to us. If you make it yours and do what is special to your and your FI then who cares if it's "cheesy." I wore some jewelry of my grandmas, as well as my best friend - more because that meant a lot to me and not because of some old saying. KWIM?

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I'd have to agree. One person's cheese is someone else's classy and romantic. It's all subjective.


Google is your friend. Do some searches for non traditional wedding ceremony ideas, and just pick and choose what works for you. No one can tell you what that is without knowing you intimately. We're having a broom jump because it's part of my heritage. I know a lot of friends who were uncomfortable with that and left it out of their ceremonies, but they respect our decision to include it and don't think it's cheesy at all; just something that wasn't what they wanted.


When all else fails, get creative. Invent something totally unique to the two of you. Personally, I'm afraid to suggest anything to ya. Don't wanna sound too cheesy. lmao

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Personally, I didn't do a garter belt, I just didn't want to.

The sand ceremony WAS original. I don't know about where you come from and what your weddings are like, but I had never been to a wedding where a sand ceremony was done before. It was new to all of my guests, and since I have never been married, it was new to me. It was a special reading that I picked out and it actually made everyone cry because it was so beautiful.

Other options that I don't see done in home town weddings are hand ceremonies, mayan blessings, the lasso thing (sorry, I don't remember what it's called), etc.

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Originally Posted by JulieG View Post
I really think you should not come to a forum where several people wore garter belts and had sand ceremonies, myself included and say its cheesie!!!!

If you want anyone on this forum to help you out, you should not say that the things most of us did are cheesie, I know I won't be helping you out and I also know I am not the only one.

To say its not for you, that is fine, we are all different and like different things, but to say its cheesie, that is another thing altogether, in fact that is just being bitchy and snotty. Just an FYI!
Well put! I totally agree with you on this one!
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