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Does the Dominican have problems that scare off guests like the problems in Mexico???


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Originally Posted by CaboBride2010 View Post
my question though is for people like my grandparents who have NEVER been to any of these places, and watch the news everynight, so they see stories about say the swine flu....are there problems in Dominican that seem to make the 6o'clock news?? that is the things I am worried about...

they aren't irrational in their concerns necessarily and have no idea how to use the internet but if something makes the nighttime news they get worried and I dont want them to get worried..

if they continue to watch the news they'll find that swine flu is in the US not far from the borders of CA and should pay attention to where things are actually happening. Like said before DR has plenty of its own issues, but Mexico is more popular so at least w/ MX you know whats happening, as opposed to DR
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From what I have heard (general consensus, not my personal opinion) the Dominican is quite a bit more dangerous than Mexico, because it is not as developed. In Punta Cana, it is not recommended that tourists leave the resort, unless on an organized tour. In Mexico (I'm talking Mayan Riviera / Cancun for example) you are pretty safe to hop in a cab and go visits some ruins or other sites on your own.


Don't get me wrong, I've been to Punta Cana and I will go back, but I will always be much more careful than in the tourist parts of Mexico.

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if you mean will they be hearing stuff about DR right NOW in the news, probably not. but that doesn't mean they won't a month from now. if you recall, just a few months ago you weren't hearing anything bad about mexico either! what if you picked asia when there was bird flu? it certainly was in the media. what if you picked new york city, and then sept. 11 happened? no one wanted to travel at all then, let alone to new york or any big city.


if you mean you want to pick a place now and know that if you say mexico right now everyone will think you're insane, well that's probably true.

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well my hometown is actually Dominican Republic. im getting married in Jamaica just to be somewhere differnt then where my family and i usually go to - and i wanted a neutral place since my FI's not Dominican.


i think every country has it's dangers, depending on area you visit. as far as what i find dangerous in DR - the poor areas are pretty much always a danger. my family never lets go to those areas unless i am accompanied by a local. once they see that you are a tourist - you are a target. mosquitos are also always a big issue for me. but thats becasue i have very sensitive skin. either way i would tell your guests to stock up on bug repellent. also, be careful with the resort you do choose. there was a resort i went to in DR that had a different species of mosquitos. they gave me bigger bumps and more allergies. my bites were even infected! apparently they were mosiquitos that bite animals...weird! that resort was in La Romana - i can't remember the name of the resort though.


good luck! if you have any questions please ask!

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In the past...and even lately...DR has had cases of malaria....couples returning to Canada without the proper marriage certificates.


There are going to be outbreaks of all different kinds of bad news from all countries at some point!! This year so far the big hype is in Mexico...next year it could be Jamaica...DR...Cuba...wherever!!


You have to plan based on what YOU want to do...you cannot please EVERYONE! Trust me I've tried! lol

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My understanding is that crime in DR is much higher than the tourist areas of MX. We considered DR at first and then went with MX. Also because DR is more expensive for our guests to get to. But I agree with everyone, you never know what will happen anywhere (in the US or elsewhere) in the future so go with what you want and hope for the best!

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just my 2 cents

we chose mexico over DR for the simple fact that we could go walk down town, go to eat meals off the resort. If you want everyone to pretty much stay on resort for a week DR is great...but we hated being confined to the resort so we chose MX.

The flu wasn't worrying our guests...but their airline canceled so we had to push it back anyways.

I agree with the other ladies with the differences on the countries..so i guess it just depends on what type of vacation you want for your guests.

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I've been to DR a few times now & would not hesitate to go off resort. We actually did venture to the little city of Samana on our own in '08 when we were there. It was just a walk down the hill from the resort.

I've always been weary of going off site in Mexico. Hmmmm...strange how people get different perceptions of different places!

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I have been to both and in my opinion they are the same. No matter where you go there are problems. I would say one big difference btn the two are that in DR you see more of how the locals live. There is also ALOT more locals offering themselves to you. Which can be a little annoying (and uncomfortable when done in front of your fam or to them!) but after a couple of times they get the drift. In the end u need to have it at the place that u like the most! Good Luck!

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