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Does the Dominican have problems that scare off guests like the problems in Mexico???


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feedback.gifOk so I have wanted to get married in Mexico for so long, but since I have been on this forum I have noticed brides upset that if they are getting married in Mexico they keep hearing their guests get all upset about the drug problems and now the swine flu. I understand that mostly these are problems that are just inflated by the media to be something they arent, but as a bride I do not want to plan a wedding in Mexico if these problems seem to be in the news frequently and only will cause guests to feel uneasy about booking their travel for my wedding.


So my question for brides getting married in the Dominican is do you seem to encounter situations as often or as severe that are making your guests nervous?? I am willing to get married in the Dominican if that means less guests will be coming to me or FI whining about fears and problems that arent as bad as the media makes them, KWIM? its not something I feel like dealing with since my family does tend to worry alot, especially my grandparents!


Any advice or experience with this would be great! TIA

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my question though is for people like my grandparents who have NEVER been to any of these places, and watch the news everynight, so they see stories about say the swine flu....are there problems in Dominican that seem to make the 6o'clock news?? that is the things I am worried about...


they aren't irrational in their concerns necessarily and have no idea how to use the internet but if something makes the nighttime news they get worried and I dont want them to get worried..

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and mexico is more popular than the DR, so of course it will make the news more often. and if they hear about crime/disease/anything negative about their hometown, do they move? bad stuff happens everywhere!


i still say, do what makes you happy!

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Definitely well said Maureen! I think this also kind of depends on your guests, are the well traveled? Do they even travel once a year?


I have 40 guests and haven't heard 1 complaint yet and they are all aware of what is going. Luckily i don't have crazy guests freaking out about something thats easy to avoid if you're just safe. (*knock on wood* I don't need them all becoming crazy!) All of our guests generally travel once a year and are fully aware of MANY issues whereever you go!

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ok so pretty much I think I am decided to get married in Dominican now...thank you for the advice ladies :) and no Ann they wouldnt move from their hometown if there was disease or something bad happening they aren't ridiculous lol, however the fact that I am picking a place for them to stay, I want to pick a place where they have the least chance of worries and concerns


I feel a bit better now though :) thanks

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