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Deadly swine flu virus in Mexico

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If my wedding was this week I would be leaving too! have fun Ayita you are going to be a beautiful bride and your guests will have a blast. Me on the other hand... well part of me remains clam but the other part is getting tense.. very tense.


This does not make me happy: we are to leave in 3 weeks

U.S. set to issue travel warning to Mexico | International | Reuters


I think if your wedding is in June you have nothing to worry about. I think that May might be a tough month though. ugh


This was me the past 2 days

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OMG u guys i don't know what to do. Im so upset Im sitting here crying at work. We are suppose to leave in 1 week from today and we have family flying in from Europe. If Europe AND the US issue travel warnings my mom is gonna cancell. I seriously cant believe this

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Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
I am getting married in January 2010 and my fiance and I deceided that we are still going. We will deciede when the date gets closer what to do. We are hoping that the prices will drastically reduce so we can book. Good luck to everyone...
I think they will probably have it sorted out by the time of your wedding (Well hopefully)
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I am PRAYING that no travel bans are issued. I'm supposed to be leaving in 5 days... afterwards I'm supposed to take off to Europe for 3 weeks... I don't even know what I'll do if travel restrictions are imposed.


I'm not stressed about contracting the flu... I'm just stressed that all of my hard work, planning and money is about to get swept down the drain. I know it's perfectly alright that my guests are freaking out, but it's so hard being the point of contact for all of my guests' concerns. I'm really starting to have a pity party for myself because I just can't help but feel how unfair this all is.


I hope the situation starts improving soon...

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Originally Posted by yoAzul View Post
OMG u guys i don't know what to do. Im so upset Im sitting here crying at work. We are suppose to leave in 1 week from today and we have family flying in from Europe. If Europe AND the US issue travel warnings my mom is gonna cancell. I seriously cant believe this
I feel for you - the timing couldn't be worse than for those with a wedding in the next 2 weeks. However, a travel warning doesn't mean people can't go, it's just to make people aware. Not to minimize those who have died from this in Mexico, but at the end of the day, people have to remember it's the flu, not the ebola virus and it appears to respond to tamiflu and another flu drug the US has in ample reserve. So even if someone catches it, whether in the US or Mexico, it seems to be treatable as long as you are aware and go to the doctor. Plus, it's already spread to Texas, NY and California - would people cancel trips to those areas too?

People just have to be smart about it. Good luck, I hope in the next few days, the news is better that they have a handle on things and your guests don't panic.
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So unfair. Really. If I were you girls leaving in the next week I honestly don't know what I'd do - I have 7 weeks and I'm hoping by then things improve. My biggest fear is not getting the flu...its that a) guests will be upset and stressed out B) they will put restrictions on getting in/out of mexico c) the extra safety precautions they are doing will cause everyone to panic and huge delays. This is really the last thing I could have ever imagined...I will be thinking (or trying) good thoughts for all of us.

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